2024-01-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 23 分鐘



It seems to me, after reading the HND Control tower’s transcript, there were at least 5 planes at the same time, which confused me:

1.  Japan Air 516 -- runway 34R, continue approach / cleared to land

2.  Delta 276 -- taxi to holding point C1

3.  JA 722A -- taxi to holding point C5

4.  Japan Air 179 -- taxi to holding point C1

5.  Japan Air 166 -- spot 21 / runway 34R, continue approach

Delta 276, JA722A and Japan Air 166 related to holding point, while Japan Air 516 and Japan Air 166 were approaching to runway 34R.

Haneda Airport Collision ATC Communications Transcript

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