更新於 2024/02/15閱讀時間約 16 分鐘

我的同事:反骨不羈的艾蓮娜 Free-Spirited Rebels (中/Eng)



My colleague, Elena, with her casually tousled blond hair, a hint of light blue eyeshadow, exuding a lazy confidence, that was my first impression of her. She spoke English with a slight accent, and initially, I thought she was Canadian from Quebec (French-speaking area). Later, I found out she was born in Ukraine and grew up in Russia.


Elena is a caring and compassionate person. When the Ukraine-Russia war broke out, she took in a Ukrainian family, letting them stay in her apartment for several months, and even housed a Ukrainian girl in their basement for over a year. If you think Elena is just a harmless, kind-hearted woman after hearing this, you couldn’t be more wrong.

艾蓮娜從頭到腳散發著一股反骨和不羈的氣場,說話時她會直視著妳,眼神完全不會閃躲,意見不合時,她也一點也不怯弱的表明自己的立場,有時候別人誤會或是沒理解她的意思,她也會很直接的說 “No, that's not what I'm saying. You've got it all wrong." 就是要把事情說得很「清楚」,在我這個被磨練成「說話婉轉、點到為止、保留對方顏面」的INFP-T的人眼中,艾蓮娜有如神一般的存在,就算是主管也敬她三分。

Elena radiates defiance and wildness from head to toe. When she speaks, she looks you straight in the eye, without any hint of evasion. When opinions clash, she boldly asserts her position without any sign of timidity. If others misunderstand her, she’ll straightforwardly say, “No, that's not what I'm saying. You've got it all wrong,” just to make things “clear.” To me, an INFP-T person trained to speak gently, Elena seems like a deity, worthy of respect even from supervisors.

艾蓮娜的不羈不只是心靈上,實際上也是像隻自由的野馬,她有時候會脫掉鞋子,赤腳走在辦公室的地毯上,自在的像小蓮走在阿爾卑斯山上的草地上,其他的同事早已見怪不怪,當時剛加入公司不久的我詫異的問:艾蓮娜,妳為什麼赤著腳? 她則神態自若的看著我:Why not?

Occasionally, she’ll kick off her shoes and stroll barefoot on the office carpet, embodying the carefree spirit of Heidi from the anime “Heidi, Girl of the Alps,” roaming the Alpine meadows. While other colleagues are already used to it, I, newly joining the company, asked in surprise, “Elena, why are you barefoot?” She calmly replied, “Why not?”

這些不拘泥還體現在許多事情上,她會省去砧板,直接在桌子上切香腸,有時候甚至盤也不裝,放在桌子上就著吃,我看著那張不知道被多少手摸過的餐桌,再看她完全不當回事的樣子,要是你跟她說:艾蓮娜,那桌子很髒很多細菌的欸,她肯定會說:It's fine. Just a little bacteria will not kill you.

Her nonconformity extends to many things; she skips the cutting board and slices sausages directly on the table, sometimes not bothering with a plate, just eating off the table. Watching her completely unfazed by the table, touched by countless hands, if you were to say, “Elena, that table is dirty and full of bacteria,” she would surely respond, “It’s fine. Just a little bacteria will not kill you.”

但她可是很重視身體健康的,她曾經很沈迷健身,手臂和爬滿刺青的腿部都有明顯訓練過的痕跡。最近她還愛上cold dip,清晨六七點,冬天的加拿大都還看不見太陽的影子,她就跑到湖裡「浸泡」3分鐘,湖水的溫度有多低,光是用想的都讓我起雞皮疙瘩。

Yet, she values health. She was once deeply into fitness, evident from the trained marks on her arms and legs covered in tattoos. Recently, she’s taken a liking to cold dips. Early morning, around six or seven, when the Canadian winter still hides the sun’s presence, she plunges into the lake for three minutes. The thought alone gives me goosebumps, considering how cold the lake water must be.


Elena has three children, two dogs, a cat, and a lizard. She said when she was in her twenties, her husband proposed, but she refused. It wasn’t until she felt bored with life one day, with no changes in work or daily routine, that she secretly plotted to have children. When Elena told her husband she was pregnant, he was surprised, saying, “But you said it was safe.” Elena, pretending to be surprised, replied, “Yeah, I thought so too,” all part of her plan.


She gave birth to her first child at 23, then six years later, another son, and eight years after that, a daughter. She even suggested to me, “If you feel bored too, just have a child.”

艾蓮娜一家住在Coquitlam的山坡上,時不時有麋鹿和熊在附近徘徊。有天早晨一對黑熊跑到他們的院子裡,兩小無嫌猜的堆疊在一起打鬧嬉戲,但定睛一看發現,原來牠們不小也不嫌猜,而是在做熊與熊的連結。艾蓮娜從窗外看到他們在交配,馬上叫上她18、12和6歲的孩子:Come look, kids! It's time to learn about sex!

Elena’s family lives on a hill, where deer and bears occasionally wander nearby. One morning, two black bears ran into their yard, playfully frolicking together. Upon closer inspection, it turned out they weren’t playing; they were mating. Elena, seeing them from the window, immediately called her 18, 12, and 6-year-old children, “Come look, kids! It’s time to learn about sex!”


She hates the so-called gentlemanly manners, like holding doors open or pulling out chairs for her, and sometimes the caring tone her husband uses towards her. She loathes being “cared for” like a child; she wants to be treated equally. And she’s not just saying it; she genuinely gets annoyed by it.


Elena isn’t a pampered lady; she just enjoys change and excitement. Sometimes she’ll chop off her blond hair and switch to neat pink short hair, or dye it purple. Long or short, it’s all about her mood.

艾蓮娜提醒我很久以前看過的一本書 — 我在印度,接近天堂也看見地獄的其中一章節:


Elena reminded me of a chapter from Embrace the Chaos: How India Taught Me to Stop Overthinking and Start Living –

We cannot say for sure if Jarama’s marriage will be happy from now on, but what’s important is that she believes she has the ability to make it happy. This belief stems from accepting the ups and downs of life, accepting that life, people, relationships, or marriages are not perfect. In an unstable world, she found stability. Jarama’s only armor is knowing she has adaptability; and part of her adaptability comes from not overthinking.


Elena is like Jarama. She’s not a perfect person; her self and enthusiasm evoke both love and hate. But her fearless personality deeply attracts me, as if saying, “Life is too boring if you’re too obedient; make mistakes, make changes, have children, eat some bacteria, what’s the big deal.”

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