ChatGPT: Your Learning Assistant

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下週演講會的主題是Writing a Speech with Purpose, 做一場目的明確的演講。



Have you heard the recent hot news about Sora? Sora is an AI technology that can generate video content from text descriptions. You can simply describe a scene in words, and then it will create a corresponding video. Although Sora is still in its early stages, its remarkable capabilities are already making waves.

Today, my topic is related to AI technology. But before we start,  here's a question: Have any of you used ChatGPT before? If so, can you please raise your hands? 

Hey! Can you share with us what you used it for and how you used it?

For those who did not have a chance to use it before, don't worry. Today, I'd like to share my experience with GPT in my work and how to use it in language learning.

Let's start with a brief introduction to what ChatGPT is.

Maybe you all know that ChatGPT is a language model focused on generating conversations. It can create responses based on user input. By learning from a large amount of existing text, ChatGPT can mimic human conversation, making significant progress in natural language comprehension.

So, what can it be used for? If you Google "how to use ChatGPT," you'll find many kinds of answers that come from several purposes, like writing academic papers, generating images, or creating slides for presentations, and the list keeps going on.


So far, I've used GPT for various tasks like writing product descriptions, gathering research materials, and editing audio. 

Does this mean AI is here to take over our jobs? I don't think so! Although AI is a popular topic, the way we use it matters. In my opinion, AI won't replace us, but a colleague who can master it will do.

As we are all here today, the shared goal is to improve our English speaking and communication abilities. Therefore, I have chosen to talk about how we can use ChatGPT to learn languages and how to collaborate with it to bridge the gap between AI and human interaction.

So, how can ChatGPT help us?

Let's simplify it. Think about how children learn. They first understand simple instructions like "dad" or "mom" by imitating sounds close to "BABA/MAMA." This is how we learn a language: starting with listening and speaking before reading and writing. To meet this need, ChatGPT can become a personalized tutor that aligns with language learning principles.

We can start by setting up the vocabulary list and defining its scope. If you're starting to learn a new language, such as French, German, or Japanese, setting up a vocabulary list is crucial and very useful.

For example, You can ask ChatGPT to generate a list of 1000 essential words when you’re learning Japanese. But when it comes to learning English, many of us already have a basic understanding of the language. It may not be necessary to create a vocabulary list. However, if required, you can set a specific standard, such as using words within the range of the level-six English exam.

Once the vocabulary lists have been set up, the next step is to create scenes and generate dialogues. For instance, we can ask ChatGPT to help us come up with a dialogue scene for ordering food at a restaurant. It will then provide us with a conversation that we can use for this purpose.

You know what? ChatGPT is able to create real-life interactive scenarios, which are more real than the textbooks. It can create conversations depending on different cultural contexts, offering insights accessible to locals. This customized approach overreaches the limitations of traditional teaching materials.

Once you have identified the context of the conversation, it is crucial to generate speech and listen to it repeatedly. Convert the text into speech first instead of trying to read and comprehend it. You can test with different tones, speeds, and pitches while listening to the same content.

By varying the voices, we challenge ourselves to comprehend diverse accents and speech patterns that will improve our overall listening abilities.

Finally, let's summarize the three key points of language learning using ChatGPT:

  • Personalized Vocabulary Building: Utilize ChatGPT to create a tailored vocabulary database according to your language learning needs. Whether you're a beginner or at an advanced level, ChatGPT can assist in compiling essential words and phrases specific to your proficiency level and target language.
  • Interactive Dialogue Creation: Leverage ChatGPT to generate realistic dialogue scenes and interactive scenarios that mimic real-life situations. Through practicing dialogues for various contexts, you can enhance your conversational skills and cultural understanding in a more engaging and immersive manner.
  • Audio Comprehension Enhancement: Convert text into speech using ChatGPT and listen repeatedly to improve your auditory comprehension skills. Experiment with different speech tones, speeds, and accents to challenge yourself and broaden your understanding of diverse linguistic nuances.

By incorporating these language learning strategies with ChatGPT, you can effectively enhance your proficiency in listening, speaking, and cultural understanding, ultimately advancing your overall language skills.

Let's embrace the opportunities that AI technology offers in language learning and continue exploring the endless possibilities together!

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上周五,迎來了今年的冬至。 就在年末,我和一群朋友約在復興北路的小樹屋展開讀書會。 冬至,是冬天裡面晚上最長的一天。也祝福期待大家聚在一起度過的那晚之後,在接下來的日子裡一切順心,一同迎接愈來愈長的白天。 這個讀書會的緣由是,兩三年前,和一票出版圈的朋友,因緣際會地組了一個讀書會。成員有
Hello everyone, Today, I want to share a story about fortune-telling. It all began with my friend, who encountered many troubles in her job and famil
These experiences, while embarrassing, have not dampened my love for storytelling, albeit through writing rather than speaking.
上周五,迎來了今年的冬至。 就在年末,我和一群朋友約在復興北路的小樹屋展開讀書會。 冬至,是冬天裡面晚上最長的一天。也祝福期待大家聚在一起度過的那晚之後,在接下來的日子裡一切順心,一同迎接愈來愈長的白天。 這個讀書會的緣由是,兩三年前,和一票出版圈的朋友,因緣際會地組了一個讀書會。成員有
Hello everyone, Today, I want to share a story about fortune-telling. It all began with my friend, who encountered many troubles in her job and famil
These experiences, while embarrassing, have not dampened my love for storytelling, albeit through writing rather than speaking.
Google News 追蹤
用提示詞工程挖掘AI所帶的有色眼鏡與社會觀察 ChatGPT經過OpenAI的調教,預設回答(zero-shot)都很政治正確。 但用些簡單的提示詞,可以發現ChatGPT的知識,仍含有很多偏見。 比如說要求ChatGPT以自嘲的方式回答: 「你是台灣的OOO,有一天開悟了,悟出了什麼?
每天都在用 AI,科技發展日新月異 自 ChatGPT 於 2022 年推出以來,它迅速成為許多人生活與工作中不可或缺的工具,無論是日常對話、寫作潤飾,甚至是生成 Excel 公式、分析數據,應用範圍極其廣泛。 以我個人為例,我有付費訂閱 ChatGPT Plus,幾乎每天都使用它來處理各種
ChatGPT 提示詞教學:提升工作與生活效率的 18 種應用情境與範例。內容涵蓋企業經營、行銷企劃、圖像設計、創意寫作、工作排程、翻譯文法、社群客服、履歷面試、語言學習、Excel 應用、時間管理、影片製作、程式開發、寫作輔助、旅遊規劃及健康生活等面向,並附上實際應用案例。
ChatGPT實用技巧分享 在我的使用經驗中,最後能從ChatGPT得到滿意的答案,很多都是在用力吐槽、諷刺或是嫌棄之後才獲得的。 我將這種AI的使用技巧,「All you need is Tsukkomi(吐槽)」。 如果不這樣做,ChatGPT預設的回答通常都很「官方」,看似有用,但常常不
ChatGPT 推出了一種新功能,稱為 "Canvas 模式",可以對特定內容進行反覆修改。根據官方說法,這是為了幫助撰寫程式碼或文章,但我認為這個功能幾乎適用於所有問題。以下是我的理由: 1. 調整知識水平更方便 在我熟悉的領域(如商務日語和資料分析),我可以調整到碩博士水準來獲取更多
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 如果您對自動模擬中的細節不滿意,您可以使用一系列引導 Prompt 將對話引導至您喜歡的方式,以下範例示
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 回顧我們在 AI說書 - Prompt Engineering - 61 | Scenario Base
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 施行 Universal Simulation Pattern (USP) 需要對角色、流程和場景結構
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 回顧 AI說書 - Prompt Engineering - 55 中說:Universal Simul
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 其他名稱 Unuversal Simulation Pattern (USP) 亦稱為 Persona
用提示詞工程挖掘AI所帶的有色眼鏡與社會觀察 ChatGPT經過OpenAI的調教,預設回答(zero-shot)都很政治正確。 但用些簡單的提示詞,可以發現ChatGPT的知識,仍含有很多偏見。 比如說要求ChatGPT以自嘲的方式回答: 「你是台灣的OOO,有一天開悟了,悟出了什麼?
每天都在用 AI,科技發展日新月異 自 ChatGPT 於 2022 年推出以來,它迅速成為許多人生活與工作中不可或缺的工具,無論是日常對話、寫作潤飾,甚至是生成 Excel 公式、分析數據,應用範圍極其廣泛。 以我個人為例,我有付費訂閱 ChatGPT Plus,幾乎每天都使用它來處理各種
ChatGPT 提示詞教學:提升工作與生活效率的 18 種應用情境與範例。內容涵蓋企業經營、行銷企劃、圖像設計、創意寫作、工作排程、翻譯文法、社群客服、履歷面試、語言學習、Excel 應用、時間管理、影片製作、程式開發、寫作輔助、旅遊規劃及健康生活等面向,並附上實際應用案例。
ChatGPT實用技巧分享 在我的使用經驗中,最後能從ChatGPT得到滿意的答案,很多都是在用力吐槽、諷刺或是嫌棄之後才獲得的。 我將這種AI的使用技巧,「All you need is Tsukkomi(吐槽)」。 如果不這樣做,ChatGPT預設的回答通常都很「官方」,看似有用,但常常不
ChatGPT 推出了一種新功能,稱為 "Canvas 模式",可以對特定內容進行反覆修改。根據官方說法,這是為了幫助撰寫程式碼或文章,但我認為這個功能幾乎適用於所有問題。以下是我的理由: 1. 調整知識水平更方便 在我熟悉的領域(如商務日語和資料分析),我可以調整到碩博士水準來獲取更多
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 如果您對自動模擬中的細節不滿意,您可以使用一系列引導 Prompt 將對話引導至您喜歡的方式,以下範例示
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 回顧我們在 AI說書 - Prompt Engineering - 61 | Scenario Base
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 施行 Universal Simulation Pattern (USP) 需要對角色、流程和場景結構
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 回顧 AI說書 - Prompt Engineering - 55 中說:Universal Simul
我們人類和ChatGPT的對話技巧也是需要學習的,有鑑於此,我想要一天分享一點「和ChatGPT對話的技術」,並且每篇文章長度控制在三分鐘以內,讓大家不會壓力太大,但是又能夠每天成長一點。 其他名稱 Unuversal Simulation Pattern (USP) 亦稱為 Persona