2024-05-26|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

抄寫英文的奇蹟 Day11-Day20


    Phase 2 Establish Objectives

    So don't exhaust yourself chasing after perfection ; instead aim for improvement.


    • Day 11

    Kickstart the Day with Gratitude.

    Here's a cool little teick to start your day off on the right foot. Think of three different things you're thankful for. Doing this gets your brain thinking positively and can make the whole day feel brighter.

    • Day 12

    Change the Way You Talk to Yourself.

    Here's a cool way to deal with tough time : change how you talk to yourself about them. When something tough comes up, don't just complain. Ask yourself how you can grow from it.

    • Day 13

    The Better the Vocabulary, the Higher the Income.

    Each new word learned correctly opens up opportunities and helps you express yourself better. When you have a strong vocabulary, you're able to explain your thought more clearly and confidently.

    • Day 14

    Don't Just Set Attainment Goals

    In some cases, you should set action goals, which are goals about how much time you should spend doing something.

    • Day 15

    Love isn't Just Chemistry.

    Love is the promise to stand by each other, to grow toghether, to work trough the difficulties, and to share life's joys and challenges. Love matures over time, and the real essence of love is in the willingness to walk the journey together, no matter what.

    • Day 16

    Don't Step out of Your Comfort Zone-Stretch Your Comfort Zone.

    Picture your comfort zone as having an elastic band wrapped around it. You want to keep pishing on the band, stretching it outward so that your comfort zone eventually becomes larger. This isn't about becoming perfect at it overnight but about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable and gradually expanding your comfort zone.

    • Day 17

    Make Hours Feel Like Munutes.

    When you dive into something you love, it adds a special kind of joy to your life. To find waht grabs you, something that you can get totally wrapped up in.Finding your passion isn't just nice, it can seriously boost your mood and overall happiness.

    • Day 18

    Don't Exhaust Yourself Chasing After Perfection.

    It's not about reaching a point of perfection, but about growing, evolving and getting better each day. Don't exhaust yourself chasing after perfection ; instead aim for improvement.

    • Day 19

    Let Go of Regrets.

    A good way to overcome regret is to turn it into a learning experience and resolve to change what you're doing, starting now. Whatever you do, though, don't dwell on the regret. Instead, work to ensure that you never experience this exact same regret again.

    • Day 20

    This Is the One Life You've Got.

    Life is a great adventure waiting to happen, filled with unexpected and exciting events.The safety of corner may protect you, but it also limits you. Every day offers a new scene in your adventure, a chance to explore something un familiar, to learn , to grow, to laugh and to love.

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