2024-06-04|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

Midjourney 咒語收藏筆記-奇幻場景篇(一)

  • a 3D world of upside down vehicles travelling along a road in the countryside where the buildings are the right way up in the style of illusionism, dreamlike nightmare, fantastical visions, fantasy art, light and space, vibrant holographic gradient gel colours --s 300 --ar 2:1 --c 10 --w 10 --v 6.0

  • multicoloured gloop traffic and gloop people travelling along a highway with a vivid-turquoise countryside gloop village in the background and a bright orange melting gloop sunshine above white gloop cumulus clouds, neon palette —ar 2:1 —s 50 —c 10 —w 10 —q 0.75

  • a futuristic city that is a mix between barcelona and tokyo --ar 16:9 --v 6.0 (relax)

  • Immerse yourself in a captivating fantasy game illustration that depicts a quaint village nestled on a small island, protected by the ethereal barrier of a mighty tree spirit. The village exudes a sense of serenity and harmony, with charming cottages and winding paths blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Lush vegetation flourishes, reflecting the abundant life and vitality nurtured by the tree spirit's presence. The tree spirit stands tall and majestic, its branches spreading like a protective canopy over the village. Its ancient and wise countenance exudes a sense of guardianship and benevolence. The barrier it creates shields the village from malevolent forces, enveloping it in an enchanting aura of protection. Soft, shimmering energy radiates from the barrier, hinting at the magical power it holds. The atmosphere is imbued with a sense of peace and tranquility, inviting exploration and discovery. The chosen style for this illustration is a fusion of digital painting and illustration techniques, employing a vibrant color palette, intricate details, and luminous lighting to bring forth the enchantment and harmony of the small island village and the tree spirit's protective barrier. This illustration transports viewers to a world where nature and magic intertwine, where the bonds between spirits and mortals weave a tapestry of wonder and safety. --ar 16:9

  • a futuristic world, where people and AGI work together, as a jigsaw puzzle, blade runner screen grab --ar 16:9 --v 6.0

  • futuristic, ancient egypt, pyramids, flying cars, highrise apartments, luxor, mega city --ar 16:9 --v 6.0

  • SF futuristic city New York, modern design, color OLED, saturated oled, cinematic, realistic --ar 16:9 --v 6.0 

  • futuristic utpoian city in a large glass sphere similar to a snow globe floating in the sky but in the bottom half of the sphere it's a colorful liquid with a slight glow to it. --ar 16:9 --v 6.0 

futuristic city of enhanced humans, hunger game style, 4k --ar 16:9 --v 6.0 

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