2024-07-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 36 分鐘

雅思寫作申論題型:如何分段?用Cambridge IELTS 19真題寫給你看

IELTS Writing Task 2議論文寫作,又稱申論題,過去十五到二十年來常見的題型有三種:

  • 探討兩造
  • 因果方案
  • 同意程度


Some people think success in life comes from hard work and determination, but others think there are more important factors like money and appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



  1. 開場
  2. 甲方
  3. 乙方
  4. 結論(含考生的立場與理由)

Some people say that all young people should be required to stay in full-time education until they are at least 18 years old. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

指令詞是To what extent do you agree or disagree (with the statement),有時候會簡化為Do you agree or disagree?甚至會變形,出現以下指令詞,皆屬於同意程度型的考題:

  • Do you think this is a positive or negative development/trend?
  • Do the advantages of [something] outweight its disadvantages?
  • 結合以上,請看實例:

In many countries, people are now living longer than ever before. Some people say an aging population creates problems for governments. Other people think there are benefits if society has more elderly people. To what extent do the advantages of having an aging population outweigh the disadvantages?


  1. 起:開場(含考生的立場)
  2. 承:支持(選擇該立場的理由)
  3. 轉:反駁
  4. 合:結論



Some people believe that working overtime is necessary for success in the competitive workplace of today. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  1. 重述題幹、表達立場,然後指出文章目的
  2. 假定立場是不同意加班是必要的,說明有生產力的其他方法
  3. 對於加班是必要的提出各種方法予以推翻,間接證明加班並非必要
  4. 重申立場做為摘要(消極的結論),然後呼籲採取行動(積極的結論)

Cambridge IELTS 19 Writing Task 2

In many countries nowadays, consumers can go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

  1. 起:(1)描述背景:時間--nowadays、空間--in many countries、受影響的族群--consumers;(2)破題:go to a supermarket and buy food produced all over the world;(3)指出寫作目的(改寫指令詞同時揭示考生立場):假設考生認為這種發展會帶來負面影響。【有時候開場段落三步驟可以"三步併兩步",也就是把(1)(2)寫在一個句子裡】
  2. 承:有哪些理由可用以支持這種發展是負面的。
  3. 轉:說明、舉證、舉例來推翻這種發展是正面的,間接證明這種發展是負面的。
  4. 合:重述考生立場然後呼籲採取行動。


Nowadays, consumers in many countries can easily access a wide variety of food products from around the world in their local supermarkets, raising questions about the positive and negative impacts of this development. I do not think this is a positive trend and the reasons are as follows.


  • Nowadays, consumers in many countries以及positive and negative, development直接和題目重複,無法爭取到詞彙資源(Lexical Resource)的分數。
  • 時間副詞、地方副詞,句子的主詞+動詞,這樣的結構和題幹一樣,無法爭取到Grammatical Range的分數。



These days, modern cities have seen a proliferation of supermarkets selling a broad range of foodstuffs sourced from across the globe. While this trend presents significant challenges, I firmly believe that it has several benefits for both individual consumers and society as a whole. This essay will explore the major reasons behind my stance. (54)


下一段當然是寫出major reasons。請看:

The global food market's expansion in local supermarkets yields multifaceted impacts. Economically, it stimulates international trade and creates diverse job opportunities. Environmentally, while it may increase carbon footprints due to long-distance transportation, it also promotes sustainable farming practices globally. Socially, this trend fosters cultural exchange, broadening culinary horizons and enhancing mutual understanding among different communities. Moreover, it introduces varied nutritional options, potentially improving public health outcomes. These interconnected effects underscore the complexity of this phenomenon.


Critics argue that the influx of global foods erodes local culinary traditions and small businesses. However, this view oversimplifies the issue. In reality, exposure to international cuisines often sparks renewed interest in local specialties, as people become more culinarily curious. Moreover, many local producers have successfully adapted, creating fusion dishes or exporting their unique products globally. This cultural exchange and economic adaptation demonstrate that globalization can coexist with, and even enhance, local food cultures.


In conclusion, the global food market's expansion in local supermarkets brings more benefits than drawbacks. It fosters economic growth, cultural exchange, and dietary diversity. While challenges exist, they can be mitigated through thoughtful policies. As consumers, we should embrace this culinary globalization while actively supporting local food traditions and sustainable practices.

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