__老病死|沒有結局 The Cycle of Life and Death|No Finality(雙語寫作)

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Not everystory has an ending.

Old Age

During my years working at the airport, I often saw passengers needing wheelchairs, but most of them weren't elderly; rather, they were middle-aged individuals who, for some reason, seemed to have aged prematurely.

One day, a middle-aged lady in her early fifties required a wheelchair. I wouldn't be so tactless as to ask why she needed it, but I guessed that her slightly overweight figure wasn't the main reason, even though it was enough to fill the wheelchair provided by the airline. She was polite and didn't speak much, as was her husband who accompanied her.

After receiving them from the international terminal, the husband mentioned they needed to transfer to a domestic flight. I politely replied, "No problem." Little did I know, I spoke too soon.

Back then, Johannesburg Airport's international and domestic terminals buildings were not connected, so you had to walk via the walkway outside to get from one terminal to the other. The smooth floors inside the terminal building made pushing a somewhat heavy passenger in a wheelchair easy. However, once we stepped onto the uneven brick walkway outside, I was taken aback; I am in trouble.

I had to exert twice the effort, and my three-centimeter high heels with smooth soles offered no traction and no help. The walkway gradually inclined, and my strained breathing grew louder. I began cursing in my mind: why did ground staff have to wear leather shoes for such labor-intensive work? If I were wearing sneakers, I wouldn't have to use every muscle in my body to manoeuvre the wheelchair.

A slope that I never noticed was now slowly but surely wearing me down, making me contemplate giving up. However, I persevered out of pride, trudging forward by arduous steps. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we arrived at the domestic terminal. The sudden relief was wonderful enough for me to float into the clouds.

The husband, who had been walking beside us, finally spoke up, "Your job is not easy!" I was too out of breath to reply and could only respond with a wry smile. After all, I was pushing his wife; any kind of comment would seem rude. He silently handed me a twenty-rand tip, which I silently accepted, taking in his small token of apology and gratitude.

On my way back to the international terminal, I fingered the lightweight tip and thought, "How about a sports drink to replenish my energy!"


I thought my work for the day was over, but I was suddenly called to the boarding gate for one last task. When I got there, my supervisor asked me to escort a man in his fifties and a young girl to collect their luggage. They had been asked to deplane and would not be returning to Taiwan today.

The girl sat expressionless, as if everything happening around her was irrelevant. The man appeared calm, but a hint of anxiety and helplessness was evident beneath his composure. I couldn't understand why such seemingly harmless individuals required the presence of airport security, sitting nearby just in case.

As we stood around waiting for the baggage handlers to unload their luggage, the security guard began gossiping. The girl, who appeared normal, was actually mentally ill, and the man was her uncle. He thought that taking her on a flight would be uneventful, but after boarding, she locked herself in the airplane's bathroom and refused to come out despite everyone's requests. Just when someone suggested the drastic solution of removing the bathroom door, the girl emerged with a smile.

In result, the supervisor decided it was best to have them leave the plane and informed the man that the girl's condition required prior notification to the airline so that necessary precaution could be made.

Unloading the already boarded luggage took time. Once notified, we were escorted by security through a shortcut from the boarding gate directly to the baggage claim area. My overtime task was merely to guide the Taiwanese gentleman through the process, ensuring he wasn't left bewildered and confused amidst an already frustrating situation.

Usually, I would be on duty at the baggage claim area for arriving passengers. The hall was always bustling like a marketplace. However, we entered when no flights were arriving, making the hall eerily empty, with our footsteps echoing in the air. A single conveyor belt rotated lonely, delivering two forlorn pieces of luggage.

After escorting the two passengers out through an exit they weren't supposed to use today, I bid them a simple farewell. I had no way of knowing when they would finally return to Taiwan as they wished.


I am usually timid, but getting scared in broad daylight is probably a first.

While I was busy at the check-in counter serving passengers, I accidentally noticed a female passenger crying like a torrential downpour. I thought, "I've often seen passengers yelling at the counter, but I've never seen one crying."

When most of the passengers had completed their check-in, the supervisor called me over and asked me to escort this continuously weeping lady to the boarding gate. The supervisor whispered in my ear, "Given her mental state, I'm afraid she might get lost. Please escort her all the way to her seat on the plane."

I didn't enquire further. As long as I completed the task, that was all that matters. I obediently led the weeping lady through each checkpoint to the boarding gate. I noticed she was holding a makeup bag. I initially wanted to offer to carry it for her, but felt too awkward to interrupt her sobbing, so I refrained.

From security to customs, airport staff gave me puzzled looks. I didn't know the weeping lady's story, so I just shrugged in response. Fortunately, every staff member we encountered showed great empathy. They were moved by the weeping lady's sorrow, and we proceeded smoothly.

As we slowly made our way to the distant boarding gate (actually just ten minutes away), the weeping lady suddenly spoke without warning, "Two came into the country, but only one is returning home..." With that, she continued sobbing. I channeled my inner Sherlock Holmes, activating the server in my brain.

I remembered a news story I had read a few days ago in a local Chinese newspaper: a newly arrived married Chinese man was shot dead in Johannesburg. Could this be his wife? And the item was in the makeup bag she's clutching...coud it be his ashes? Fortunately, I hadn't offered to carry it earlier, as that would have been quite offensive!

When we arrived at the boarding gate, a few passengers were queuing to board. I stood with the weeping lady in the business class line. The woman in front of us, hearing the sobbing, turned and glanced at the weeping lady, then gave me a questioning look. I responded helplessly, "Her mental state isn't good. Would you mind letting her go first?" She immediately stepped aside to let us through. Everyone present focused their eyes on us, undoubtedly speculating about what had happened.

As I escorted the weeping lady to the aircraft door, the flight attendant waiting there gave me a look that needed answers. I understood that she needed to know the passenger's situation, but why did her eyes betray a hint of gossip? I replied, "Her husband just passed away." The flight attendant's eyes widened in understanding, and she silently took over my task, leading the weeping lady to her seat, out of my sight.

The passengers and I are merely fleeting presences in each other's lives. I cross paths with them due to a brief moment in their lives. In the end, I can witness their departures and leaving behind unresolved unknowns.

夜緻的沙龍 的其他內容
2023年11月我從獵頭轉職成為HR,六個月後臨危授命成為MA計畫的負責人。那個月我剛過24歲生日,HR年資半年。現在計畫走過了7個月,八位MA其中四位提前升遷轉正,而我也升遷成為了Senior HR。來說說給我上了一門震撼教育的MA計畫負責人之旅。文章分為上、中、下篇。
2023年11月我從獵頭轉職成為HR,六個月後臨危授命成為MA計畫的負責人。那個月我剛過24歲生日,HR年資半年。現在計畫走過了7個月,八位MA其中四位提前升遷轉正,而我也升遷成為了Senior HR。來說說給我上了一門震撼教育的MA計畫負責人之旅。文章分為上、中、下篇。
Google News 追蹤
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
這一主題是因「萬物皆有靈」,以及前陣子看的韓劇“死期將至”(我死了又死)所引發的靈感。 死後的世界在部分著作裡有著描述,但生死終究是兩隔,死亡之後,沒有人可以給出絕對的答案。 電腦程式運行有可能因bug影響產生當機,那……死亡遇到bug……
死,從來就不是結束,卻永遠都是開始。死,是打開門,而不是關起來。 當你了解生命是永恆的,你就了解死是你的幻象,是為了讓你非常關切你的肉體,因而幫助你相信你是你的肉體。然而你不是你的肉體,因此,肉體的毀滅對你沒有關係。 死應該教你的是,生命才是真的;而生命應當教你的是,不可避免的不是死,而是無常(
這是一個關於死亡和活著的故事 關於我自己的一個,有些奇妙又荒謬的故事
不要輕視死亡,拿死亡當解決人生困境的唯一手段。可,不是苦中人,如何評判遭遇困境時當時舉目無援、看不到希望的絕望心境? 死亡,看似一個個體生命的結束,同時也是另一個人痛苦的開始。死亡、新生,相互傍隨。
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
這一主題是因「萬物皆有靈」,以及前陣子看的韓劇“死期將至”(我死了又死)所引發的靈感。 死後的世界在部分著作裡有著描述,但生死終究是兩隔,死亡之後,沒有人可以給出絕對的答案。 電腦程式運行有可能因bug影響產生當機,那……死亡遇到bug……
死,從來就不是結束,卻永遠都是開始。死,是打開門,而不是關起來。 當你了解生命是永恆的,你就了解死是你的幻象,是為了讓你非常關切你的肉體,因而幫助你相信你是你的肉體。然而你不是你的肉體,因此,肉體的毀滅對你沒有關係。 死應該教你的是,生命才是真的;而生命應當教你的是,不可避免的不是死,而是無常(
這是一個關於死亡和活著的故事 關於我自己的一個,有些奇妙又荒謬的故事
不要輕視死亡,拿死亡當解決人生困境的唯一手段。可,不是苦中人,如何評判遭遇困境時當時舉目無援、看不到希望的絕望心境? 死亡,看似一個個體生命的結束,同時也是另一個人痛苦的開始。死亡、新生,相互傍隨。