2024-10-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘

112年統測對話題分析(11-15) (3)


(一)、語法結構 (linguistic context):疑問句跟應答句之間的「文法一致性」(agreement),例如, “What do you do for a living?”→ 回 “what do you do . . . ” 答「動詞」: “I teach English . . .” 疑問句找到適當的應答;應答句回應相對應的提問。

        (二)、情境 (situational context):從既有的資訊判斷談話當下的「情境、場合。」比如說,若是關於運動的「話題」(topic),可以預期問答之間會出現相關的「主題。」另外,在對話「哪裡進行」也會影響說話者的「語氣。」比如說,在辦公室談話應該會跟在咖啡廳聊天非常不同。

        (三)、人際關係、身分差異 (social context):延續說話的「場合因素」,應答模式會因「關係親疏、社會位階」等因素,呈現不一樣的樣態。比如,下屬對上司的語氣,會跟平輩之間的語氣十分不同。




Anita: There’s a famous Chinese restaurant across the road. They serve the best Peking duck.

Sergio: Yes, I used to go there every week before I moved away from here.

*Anita: I really want to try their Peking duck. _____________

*Sergio: Once in a long while.

(A) Is it far away from here?

(B) Does it really taste good?

(C) Have you ever been there?

(D) Do you still go there often?


Ans. (D)

Anal. 這題有許多干擾的資訊。不過,優先考慮「文法結構」可以排除不需要的選項。根據題幹,挖空的部分圍繞著第二段問答(*): Anita, “I really . . . ____.” Sergio, “Once in a long while.” 與 Sergio的回答對應的提問只有可能跟「經驗、頻率」有關,因此排除 (A) 問距離 (B) 問食物好不好吃。

接下來要決定是問「經驗」或「頻率。」假設答題者看到上段 Sergio回答 “I used to . . .”,很容易被干擾而回答 (C) “Have you ever been there?” 但這個提問無法對應下段回答 “Once in a long while” 【每隔一段時間去一次】──顯然是回答「頻率。」



Betty: Hello. I’m calling about your ad for the five-room rental apartment. Is it still


Manager: Yes, it is. ___________

Betty: Yes. I’d like to. Can you tell me the address?

(A) Would you like to see it?

(B) Where did you see the ad?

(C) When do you want to see it?

(D) Will your friend come with you?


Ans. (A)

Anal. 從「語法結構」直觀來看, 應答 “I would like to . . .” 對應問題 “Would you . . .” 選項 (B) Where . . . (C) When . . . 優先排除。

        從「情境」與「人際關係」來看,顯然是「租屋者」與「房產管理員」之間的對話:前者「詢問租屋,或要看房子。」因為Betty 問的是 “available”,之後追問時索要「地址」(the address),要考慮「她人要前往、親眼去看。」既然確定她要去「看房」,接著要考慮「個人前往」或「攜伴而行。」

        從應答的語法一致性(agreement)來看, (A) “Would you . . .” 對應第一人稱“I would . . .” 而 (D) “Will your friend . . .” 則對應第三人稱 “S/he will . . .”

        這題的回答是 “I would like to . . .” 該語境中,除了提問者 Betty 和回應者 Manager,沒有第三者介入,因此不適合選 (D)




Alex: I’m interested in buying an electric car.

Sales: Good choice. They cause less pollution, and there are lots of places in the city where you can charge your car.

*Alex: What if I want to leave the city? How far can I go before I need to charge the car?

*Sales: ___________

(A) It has gone too far.

(B) You have no choice.

(C) It has a range of 200 kilometers.

(D) As far as I know, there’s no charge.


Ans. (C)

Anal. 從「語法結構」來看,Alex 問 “How far can I go . . . ”,應答則回 “ . . . a range of 200 kilometers” 回答「距離。」 (A)、(B) 答非所問了。

        (D) 選項中的 “charge” 【索費、收費】可能跟題幹的 “ . . . before I need to charge the car” 【需要充電】混淆。

要記得 “to charge the car” 【替車充電】的字詞配搭。



Jane: Guess what I saw during my trip to Paris last month?

Roy: I bet you saw the Eiffel Tower (艾菲爾鐵塔) , right?

Jane: Of course I saw that. And I also saw the Mona Lisa.

Roy: You mean da Vinci’s (達文西) Mona Lisa?

Jane: __________ I saw it at the Louvre (羅浮宮) .

(A) No way!

(B) That’s the one.

(C) You’re lucky!

(D) Don’t mention it.


Ans. (B)

Anal. 這題要注意「文法一致性」(agreement) 跟「字詞配搭」(collocation)。

        疑問句 “You mean . . . Mona Lisa?” 還原成 “Is that Mona Lisa?”

        題幹有提示「代名詞」 “that” 的使用,用來指涉 Jane 看了「什麼」 (what she saw . . .) 上段的 “You saw the Eiffel Tower” 對應 “I saw that.”

        沿著題幹的脈絡,回答要找主詞為 “That” 的答案:(B) 是唯一主詞符合的選項。

        另外,字詞配搭 ”That’s the one” 指涉 “That’s the one (that) I saw.” 說話者雙方都明白 “the one” 所指相同,為 “Mona Lisa”, 補語 “ . . . that I saw” 可以省略。



David: Do you like watching judo (柔道) competitions?

Annie: No, not at all. But, I’m a big fan of Drangadrang (楊勇緯) .

*David: Really? You know him? __________

*Annie: He’s talented, strong and of course, very cute. He’s even won an Olympic medal!

David: Wow! You really know him, huh?

(A) How did you meet him?

(B) What does he really like?

(C) What do you like about him?

(D) How did he know about judo?


Ans. (C)

Anal. 從文法一致性來看, Annie回答關於「他」的「屬性、特質」(He’s . . .)

        對應的提問只有 (C) “. . . about him” 有「關於其人」的提問。

        (B)、(D)的提問會對應 “He likes . . .” “He V-ed . . .” 等句型:S+V . . .

        選項(A) 答非所問。



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