更新於 2024/10/16閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

馬克祖克柏 : 確定會失敗的唯一策略是:不冒險

    1. 在一個快速變遷的世界裡,確定會失敗的唯一策略是:不冒險。 In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
    2. 問題不是「我們想知道人們的甚麼」,而是「人們想說出關於他們自己的甚麼」。The question isn’t "what do we want to know about people," but "what do people want to tell about themselves."
    3. 我在校舍裡寫程式、創辦「臉書」。那時我一個月用85美元租了一台伺服器,我在網站上放廣告而取得了資金。此後我們一直在網站上放廣告,讓我們獲得資金支持。 I wrote code and founded Facebook in my dorm room. Back then, I rented a server for $85 a month and put ads on the site to fund it. We’ve been putting ads on the site ever since to fund it.
    4. 松鼠死在你的前院裡,可能比有人死在非洲,讓你更感興趣。 A squirrel dying in your front yard may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa.
    5. 除非你破除成規,否則你將無法快速行動。 Unless you break rules, you cannot move fast.
    6. 我寧願人們低估我們,這樣會讓我們有迴旋的餘地,從而做出讓人們大吃一驚的產品。 I'd rather people underestimate us. That way, we have room to surprise them with great products.
    7. 人們可能很聰明或擁有能直接應用的技能,但如果他們沒有真正相信這個行業,他們就不會真正地努力工作。 People can be really smart or have skills that are directly applicable, but if they don’t really believe in it, they’re not going to work hard.
    8. 讓網站有趣比讓它賺錢更重要。
      Making the website fun is more important than making money from it.
    9. 一個透明度很高的世界,其組織會更好,也會更公平。
      A world with higher transparency will have better and fairer organizations.
    10. 在過去,人們從來不指望商業公司能夠善良,這種觀念正在改變。
      In the past, people never expected companies to be kind, but this perception is changing.
    11. 用廣告界的話說,谷歌的廣告搜索是滿足需求。Facebook 則恰恰相反,它將產生需求。
      In advertising terms, Google's search ads meet demand. Facebook, on the other hand, creates demand.
    12. Facebook 正在改變我們對社區、鄰里之間的級別和整個星球社區的概念。在這個步伐不斷加快的現代生活中,個體之間的距離不斷拉遠,而 Facebook 幫助我們重拾人與人之間的一種親密感。
      Facebook is changing our concept of community, both at the local and global levels. In this fast-paced modern life, the distance between individuals continues to grow, but Facebook helps us regain a sense of intimacy between people.

    資料參考 : Inside 報導、經理人

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