更新於 2024/10/31閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

失竊的民主:喚醒對民主的警惕The Lost Democracy(失落的民主)





We once thought the shadows of ancient times had faded,

That tyranny's methods lay crumbled in history’s dust.

But now we see a web of power woven ever tighter,

In a so-called democratic world, the truth drifts further away.



Stolen democracy, our votes turned into cloaked lies,

Whose voices are silenced,

whose thoughts get revised?When freedom’s light is shrouded in a mist of deceit,How do we reclaim the trust we’ve lost so deep?



Today’s rulers need no iron fists to command,

Instead, they wield chains of information to cloud our view.

As truth grows scarce, a resource kept so rare,

The people’s voice fades into background noise.



Can you hear it, the whispers hidden within the noise?

Power’s seduction, as history’s harsh cycles repeat.

When ancient shadows play in the light of day,

How do we wake the unrest in our hearts?



Stolen democracy, our will turned into empty promises,

Whose eyes are blindfolded, whose minds misled?

When justice’s benchmark blurs out of sight,

How do we rise to reclaim what’s right?



We will not stay silent, nor yield to the weight of lies,

For we know democracy’s no game of power and pride.

It’s a shared dream, a steadfast call,

Built by every heart, standing tall.


國會殿堂上的堂堂正正說謊不必受到懲罰, 殺人者不必受到死亡的刑罰,汙辱官署者獲得言論的保障,偉大的總統國會無法向其問責?當應受崇敬的大法官荒謬的憲法判決,讓民主成為堂堂正正的笑話?這是民主嗎?喔!喔!喔!失落的民主正在協尋中!

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