閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

For the longest journey would merely return them to the place whence they had come. — Tower of Babylon


Ted Chiang
Chapter 1, Tower of Babylon, was my second preference that described the people in Shinar who had built the tower in order to touch the sky and see the god, Yahweh, for a century. As the tower was so tall that it should spend 4 months to climb on the top, the people would send new workers and bricks up to the tower often. And they had a ceremony with delicious food together with those people on the top tower which their meal had been sent to the tower 4 months ago.
Hillalum was a member of the worker team. There came a joke that when I man fell from a tower, others would be thankful for the tool left which can be used by others if they drop the tool carelessly. Moreover, Hillalum had seen the village on the way to the top, there were families that had lived in the tower for decades and they planted vegetables (with the stems all hung downwards because they were higher then the sun) by themselves. The residents there did not have desires to go back to the ground. Then, during the way Hillalum worked, there came a torrent water. Hillalum was too late to escaped the tunnel and he finally fainted. Surprisingly, he woke up on the ground, found that he went back to the Shinar from the sky.
And then it came to him: a seal cylinder. When rolled upon a tablet of soft clay, the carved cylinder left an imprint that formed a picture. Two figures might appear at opposite ends of the tablet, though they stood side by side on the surface of the cylinder. all the world was as such a cylinder. Men imagined heaven and earth as being at the ends of a tablet, with sky and stars stretched between; yet the world was wrapped around in some fantastic way so that heaven and earth touched.

It dawned on me that sometimes the end of one thing might be the beginning of another one as well. Like the Möbius strip, no matter how long we walk, we will meet together at some time. There perhaps does not exist the absolutely starting point or ending point in the world as every phenomenon such like the water cycle, carbon cycle or the born and death of a human’s life, there are a great amount of example to explain the world.
Kris 的其他內容
Life is a loop, we are constantly circling between experiencing and understanding. — Lessons from movies Arrival Ted Chiang
I decide what I want to do and I am able to drive my brain to do. 意識與自由意志 意識,人類知道、察覺自己的行為和想法,並且讓大腦指揮自己的身體去作出行動。
腦&科學&社會 我認為在社會部分,因為性別歧視、偏見等,常常讓大腦變成讓其中一個性別貶低、嘲笑或差別待遇另外一個性別的原因。
哈囉,掰掰,我是鬼媽媽! Hi, bye,Mama! 第14集「不是你的錯」,回憶到鋼和在瑜理過世後,因為內疚無法進手術室開刀,甚至在嘗試進手術室觀刀時忍不住悲傷衝出手術室,更被醫院行政警告革職。
哈囉,掰掰,我是鬼媽媽! Hi, bye,Mama! 第二篇想要分享的是第八集「不善離別的人們」。這一集帶到了許多寧靜納骨塔的靈魂們與其家人的互動。
哈囉,掰掰,我是鬼媽媽! Hi, bye,Mama! 這次要來分享的韓劇為「哈囉,掰掰,我是鬼媽媽」,選擇這齣有兩個原因,第一個為該劇季節為冬天,現在12月相同,第二個為這齣戲要告訴我們的課題,也就是「離別」,橫跨了親情與愛情,讓我觀看的時候幾乎每集都哭到不能自已。
Life is a loop, we are constantly circling between experiencing and understanding. — Lessons from movies Arrival Ted Chiang
I decide what I want to do and I am able to drive my brain to do. 意識與自由意志 意識,人類知道、察覺自己的行為和想法,並且讓大腦指揮自己的身體去作出行動。
腦&科學&社會 我認為在社會部分,因為性別歧視、偏見等,常常讓大腦變成讓其中一個性別貶低、嘲笑或差別待遇另外一個性別的原因。
哈囉,掰掰,我是鬼媽媽! Hi, bye,Mama! 第14集「不是你的錯」,回憶到鋼和在瑜理過世後,因為內疚無法進手術室開刀,甚至在嘗試進手術室觀刀時忍不住悲傷衝出手術室,更被醫院行政警告革職。
哈囉,掰掰,我是鬼媽媽! Hi, bye,Mama! 第二篇想要分享的是第八集「不善離別的人們」。這一集帶到了許多寧靜納骨塔的靈魂們與其家人的互動。
哈囉,掰掰,我是鬼媽媽! Hi, bye,Mama! 這次要來分享的韓劇為「哈囉,掰掰,我是鬼媽媽」,選擇這齣有兩個原因,第一個為該劇季節為冬天,現在12月相同,第二個為這齣戲要告訴我們的課題,也就是「離別」,橫跨了親情與愛情,讓我觀看的時候幾乎每集都哭到不能自已。
作家 Morgan Housel 在《華爾街日報》中提出一個觀點:我們是用理解知識的方式在思考、學習金錢觀,而不是用理解心智與行為模式的方式學習理財。這段話讓我意識到,我們的財務決策並非總是理性的,情緒因素也扮演著重要角色。通過掌握金錢心理學,能夠幫助我們改善用錢習慣,使財務決策更為理性和長遠。
Indoor lighting RD-DEEP downlights series are used in the kitchen, living room and commercial. TJ2 Lighting|LED Lighting manufacturer in Taiwan.
We are proud to introduce our newest indoor lighting products series"RD-LED-DEEP" downlights. This downlight product series is mainly used in kitchen,
外星人「七腳族」的太空船有一天突然出現在世界各地,當天晚上,軍方就找上了一位語言學教授露易絲、和一位科學家伊恩,希望他們能幫忙解讀外星人的文字,隨著露易絲越來越了解七腳族的語言(Heptapod B),他也逐漸看到了一些奇怪的回憶。 電影的關鍵是薩皮爾.沃夫提出的假設理論(Sapir-Whorf
  感覺滿複雜的,會來找我占卜的一般人其實比例還好。應該說不知道為什麼其他我不熟的占卜師會想到來找我占卜,因為我通常對於對分只有很薄的印象,就是那種「這個人我好像在誰那邊看過」但完全沒有跟對方說話過。   今天來的也是這樣的人,感覺就是走靈氣(?)感應路線,自己也有接受委託的占卜師。
她在你想睡的時候擋在你面前 不要多想,那只是女生天生動物性地想感受男生的疲累 這也太難解了,男生疲累時有什麼氣場好感受的? 但那確實是值得玩味的地方 她對你一點心思都沒有,不要再想了 雖然很動物性
動搖 最近,反Unreal的聲音一直在我耳邊出現。 他們的聲音不外乎是,沒有人在意App的穩定度啦,遊戲不需要那麼炫的效果和效能啦,找Unity的人很好找啦,授權太貴了啊等等。講到我真的是都有點動搖了…
大女兒line我:「Why is life so hard?」 大女兒決定今年這個暑假在學校修兩個學分的實驗課,試驗室裡的日子沒有定時的三餐,早起進實驗室,晚上伴著星光回宿舍時,常連晚餐都沒處買,只好以「全家」為家.....
作家 Morgan Housel 在《華爾街日報》中提出一個觀點:我們是用理解知識的方式在思考、學習金錢觀,而不是用理解心智與行為模式的方式學習理財。這段話讓我意識到,我們的財務決策並非總是理性的,情緒因素也扮演著重要角色。通過掌握金錢心理學,能夠幫助我們改善用錢習慣,使財務決策更為理性和長遠。
Indoor lighting RD-DEEP downlights series are used in the kitchen, living room and commercial. TJ2 Lighting|LED Lighting manufacturer in Taiwan.
We are proud to introduce our newest indoor lighting products series"RD-LED-DEEP" downlights. This downlight product series is mainly used in kitchen,
外星人「七腳族」的太空船有一天突然出現在世界各地,當天晚上,軍方就找上了一位語言學教授露易絲、和一位科學家伊恩,希望他們能幫忙解讀外星人的文字,隨著露易絲越來越了解七腳族的語言(Heptapod B),他也逐漸看到了一些奇怪的回憶。 電影的關鍵是薩皮爾.沃夫提出的假設理論(Sapir-Whorf
  感覺滿複雜的,會來找我占卜的一般人其實比例還好。應該說不知道為什麼其他我不熟的占卜師會想到來找我占卜,因為我通常對於對分只有很薄的印象,就是那種「這個人我好像在誰那邊看過」但完全沒有跟對方說話過。   今天來的也是這樣的人,感覺就是走靈氣(?)感應路線,自己也有接受委託的占卜師。
她在你想睡的時候擋在你面前 不要多想,那只是女生天生動物性地想感受男生的疲累 這也太難解了,男生疲累時有什麼氣場好感受的? 但那確實是值得玩味的地方 她對你一點心思都沒有,不要再想了 雖然很動物性
動搖 最近,反Unreal的聲音一直在我耳邊出現。 他們的聲音不外乎是,沒有人在意App的穩定度啦,遊戲不需要那麼炫的效果和效能啦,找Unity的人很好找啦,授權太貴了啊等等。講到我真的是都有點動搖了…
大女兒line我:「Why is life so hard?」 大女兒決定今年這個暑假在學校修兩個學分的實驗課,試驗室裡的日子沒有定時的三餐,早起進實驗室,晚上伴著星光回宿舍時,常連晚餐都沒處買,只好以「全家」為家.....