③讓平民follow Hero:這些人當Hero,讓還在歐洲的平民覺得「之前跟我一樣平民的人去了美國變很有錢。我也應該可以吧!」。然後很多人移民到美國,人口變多,國家成長。再來很重要的是需要同時做Decentralize(分散化)。讓平民做夢很好,不過夢沒有實現的話大家離開 or 死掉。流量要Decentralize,要給平民機會,讓他們滿足,富起来。
7) He paints a great example of how starting a product community is similar to starting a new land and seeding the economy and how you want people to migrate from other countries to your country. Let's use America as an analogy for Musically. Instagram/Facebook is Europe. You want people from Europe to move to America. How do you convince them?
8) The average citizen of Europe has zero to no opportunity to move upward in the social class. They leveraged this by building it for the average citizens in America – allowing them to upgrade their social status when they move here.
9) In the early days, you have to build a centralized economy – you want wealth to be distributed to a small percentage of people so they can prosper and become the role models to attract more people. You want people in Europe to look at a normal person in America who was just like them who became rich after moving there. So they'd want to migrate to America too.