
閱讀時間約 14 分鐘

這是去年在PHUSE社群貢獻的成果,最後沒被採用,但有被其中一位計畫主持人借去上課,應該是Johns Hopkins University的健康資料課程。


基本上這是個規劃疾病登錄應注意事項的重點摘要:從右上方的Resources開始逆時針看,要建立疾病登錄所需要的資源、團隊、考慮病人的特徵、須遵守的規範 (這邊以美國為例,各國需求不同)、要遵循的各種標準、要蒐集甚麼資料、要怎麼處理資料,最後則是資料可以怎麼應用。每個步驟再舉了七個例子,但不會只有這七個。以下則是我當初寫的說明文件:


Here are some concerns with regard to collecting data related to setting up a rare disease registry.  A number of concerns must be addressed in a counterclockwise order of the matrix: resources, team, target population, regulation, standards, collection of items, and process. After database established, the data could be analyzed for different purpose. This is a summary matrix that is not very detailed.  It’s not an encyclopedia, it is an index. We hope patient groups could have a good starting point and cooperate with professionals.


Every project requires money.  Even though we may have some volunteers on staff, we will need funding for hardware and software.  In some cases, accessing the data or even data itself from another health database could be a part of funding.  Meanwhile, we will need the cooperation of hospitals and communities in order to identify and collect patient information.


The top block addresses which people should be on the team.  While physicians may know the patients well, you need epidemiologists and data scientists to help understand the data.  The registry system needs engineers to build and maintain. Data would be collected from patients or their family, but there must be someone do the work.  A project manager is also necessary if we are looking at a long-term project.


Target population requires a disease definition first.  We need to consider geographic distribution in terms of whether this data collection is local, national, or global.  It should be considered whether there is an existing registry.  If there is an existing registry, you may wish to join forces.  The language of the target population should be also considered as some diseases are more prevalent among certain races.  You may be assisted by surveys and hospital charts.  If there is a higher incidence in a specific physician’s practice, you may wish to reach out to that physician to assist you in obtaining data.


Any data related to personal information needs to consider about the privacy and the data security issues. Every data collection effort is controlled by various rules and regulations such as Common Rule and FISMA. Common rule protects personal identification FISMA refers to the federal information security management act. Data collection for a disease registry does not apply to HIPAA and IRB, but they would be necessary while the data transferring to another researcher. If the data will be used in FDA-regulated food or drug, or HHS-regulated study, 21 CFR should be followed. 


Standards refer to how we describe things.  How data would be storage, what is the data structure, and what is the communication protocol for data transport/exchange between devices, these all have standards.  Data security standard is regulated under guidelines such as HIPAA. Terminology standards are the coding system we use to describe the diagnosis, medicine, surgery, procedure, etc. If we want to use the data for different purpose and need to cooperate with other researchers, common data model would be helpful. If the data will be used for new drug application, there are some submission formats for FDA.


We need basic information such as sex/gender and birthdate. Some risk factors related to many comorbidities such as smoking status or BMI would be good to have.  Medical records would be the cord of the registry, including diagnosis and treatment.  Sometimes, socioeconomic information is valuable, but may be somewhat difficult to obtain; this information can be inferred from zip code or insurance status. Genomic data refers to genetic information, which is often a factor in rare diseases.  This information, however, is difficult to obtain because it may not be in the patient file, but rather in some hospital files or biobank files.  Contact information is how we would provide follow-up to a patient.  A linkage token can help to link one set of data to another. It is usually a serial number or an encrypted social security number.  When the data is used, this identifying information will be deidentified. The most important factor in a dataset is time. All entries should be accompanied by a date. Without references to time, the information would be useless.


When we consider the data process, we need to look at what we need to do in order to analyze the data.  First, we need to clean the data in order to remove/correct data that has been misfiled. Data validation could provide the data quality information to the data user. For convenience, we need to consider creating a data dictionary, and we will see the format and expressions used to identify the data.  An updatable database is more valuable than a fixed data.  If we want to link the registry database to another database such as claims data, a process of re-identification, third-party linkage and de-identification would be required. We also need to consider whether the data is exportable or analyzed on-site. It’s about the balance between data protection and using convenience. 


Here we talk about the purpose of the data, so the direction of the arrow is opposite.  These are how and where the information could be used. It can provide basic epidemiology of the disease, describe the patients in population level, and evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the treatment. For drug development, a registry data can provide the insight of patient distribution, or even as an external control of the clinical trial. Some information might affect the policy of health or social benefit. Afterall, we hope the registry data could improve patients’ life. 


    小章魚他爸的沙龍 的其他內容
    其實也不是要限定在校訓啦,主要是想討論一些「以簡短文字摘要傳達某些精神」,這在台灣的學校最常見的就是共通校訓:禮義廉恥 (然後恥還要是蔣介石錯字版【耻】)。但不管是禮義廉恥或是我以前學校的「新誠勤篤」、「誠慧健毅美」都像是一些空泛的道德呼籲,也沒聽說哪位老師會向家長強調「我們的學生都有做到這些…」?
    小章魚結束最後一天的保育園生活了。 好好跟大家道別真不是件容易的事,但就如李安透過《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》說的:「人生就是不斷地放下,然而最讓人痛心的是,沒來得及說再見。」
    其實也不是要限定在校訓啦,主要是想討論一些「以簡短文字摘要傳達某些精神」,這在台灣的學校最常見的就是共通校訓:禮義廉恥 (然後恥還要是蔣介石錯字版【耻】)。但不管是禮義廉恥或是我以前學校的「新誠勤篤」、「誠慧健毅美」都像是一些空泛的道德呼籲,也沒聽說哪位老師會向家長強調「我們的學生都有做到這些…」?
    小章魚結束最後一天的保育園生活了。 好好跟大家道別真不是件容易的事,但就如李安透過《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》說的:「人生就是不斷地放下,然而最讓人痛心的是,沒來得及說再見。」
    Google News 追蹤
    接下來第二部分我們持續討論美國總統大選如何佈局, 以及選前一週到年底的操作策略建議 分析兩位候選人政策利多/ 利空的板塊和股票
    🤔為什麼團長的能力是死亡筆記本? 🤔為什麼像是死亡筆記本呢? 🤨作者巧思-讓妮翁死亡合理的幾個伏筆
    你有常常腹痛、血便、狂跑廁所的困擾嗎? 以為自己只是腸胃不好吃壞肚子嗎?
    前一陣子的某個週六。 一天有兩場告別式, 上午的那場有中部的同事一起參與。 車程中大家聊起近況,說了誰可能因為更年期失眠熱潮紅⋯我也想起前二年我睡眠障礙的過程,還好我認真mm了,睡眠障礙什麼的離我好遠。 靈魂來到地球,才不是要體驗什麼生病的經驗,當每個人把身上大大小小的病視為理所當然
    簡介 隨著老年人口比例逐漸攀升,台灣已逐步進入老年社會。根據國家發展委員會的統計數據顯示,65歲以上的老年人口占全台人口比例已超過14%,預計在未來幾年內還會繼續攀升。同時隨著年齡的增長,人們更容易患上腦部疾病,例如失智症、巴金森氏症等。這些疾病不僅對老年人的身心健康造成極大的影響及困擾,也會對家庭
    【會員限定#94 】《極簡說書📔》告訴大腦你今年生日想做什麼,而且符合「生存目的」,它就會開始行動,疾病痊癒只是順帶的|布蘭達&維尼
    圖片來源 你只是執念地往海邊走去 窗外陽光燦爛,晨藹輕覆在草坡,遺留在停車場過夜的車輛,從遠處觀看,火柴盒一般,像是記憶中那些未曾更動的種種美好,整齊地排列著。 如同時空旅人,穿越蟲洞似頎長的隧道,穿著睡衣的你抵達夢的邊境。身上的鞋與圍巾,顯得有些不合時宜。你踏上征途,無懼地大步前行,執念地往海邊
    接下來第二部分我們持續討論美國總統大選如何佈局, 以及選前一週到年底的操作策略建議 分析兩位候選人政策利多/ 利空的板塊和股票
    🤔為什麼團長的能力是死亡筆記本? 🤔為什麼像是死亡筆記本呢? 🤨作者巧思-讓妮翁死亡合理的幾個伏筆
    你有常常腹痛、血便、狂跑廁所的困擾嗎? 以為自己只是腸胃不好吃壞肚子嗎?
    前一陣子的某個週六。 一天有兩場告別式, 上午的那場有中部的同事一起參與。 車程中大家聊起近況,說了誰可能因為更年期失眠熱潮紅⋯我也想起前二年我睡眠障礙的過程,還好我認真mm了,睡眠障礙什麼的離我好遠。 靈魂來到地球,才不是要體驗什麼生病的經驗,當每個人把身上大大小小的病視為理所當然
    簡介 隨著老年人口比例逐漸攀升,台灣已逐步進入老年社會。根據國家發展委員會的統計數據顯示,65歲以上的老年人口占全台人口比例已超過14%,預計在未來幾年內還會繼續攀升。同時隨著年齡的增長,人們更容易患上腦部疾病,例如失智症、巴金森氏症等。這些疾病不僅對老年人的身心健康造成極大的影響及困擾,也會對家庭
    【會員限定#94 】《極簡說書📔》告訴大腦你今年生日想做什麼,而且符合「生存目的」,它就會開始行動,疾病痊癒只是順帶的|布蘭達&維尼
    圖片來源 你只是執念地往海邊走去 窗外陽光燦爛,晨藹輕覆在草坡,遺留在停車場過夜的車輛,從遠處觀看,火柴盒一般,像是記憶中那些未曾更動的種種美好,整齊地排列著。 如同時空旅人,穿越蟲洞似頎長的隧道,穿著睡衣的你抵達夢的邊境。身上的鞋與圍巾,顯得有些不合時宜。你踏上征途,無懼地大步前行,執念地往海邊