PBL 雙語兒童哲學 by Mr. gary

閱讀時間約 16 分鐘

### Course Outline

#### 課程大綱

### Lesson 1: Critical Thinking and Logic

### 課程1:批判性思維與邏輯



- Develop children's critical thinking skills and learn to identify and avoid common logical fallacies.

- 培養孩子的批判性思維能力,學會辨別和避免常見的邏輯謬誤。



- Fundamentals of critical thinking

- 批判性思維的基礎

- Common logical fallacies (e.g., ad hominem, straw man, appeal to emotion)

- 常見的邏輯謬誤(例如:人身攻擊、稻草人論證、訴諸情感等)



- Case analysis: Identifying logical fallacies in stories

- 案例分析:辨別故事中的邏輯謬誤

- Group discussion: Create your own logic puzzles and challenge classmates

- 小組討論:設計自己的邏輯謎題並挑戰同學

### Lesson 2: Cognitive Biases and Psychology

### 課程2:認知偏差與心理學



- Understand how cognitive biases affect our thinking and decision-making.

- 理解認知偏差如何影響我們的思維和決策。



- Common cognitive biases (e.g., confirmation bias, availability bias)

- 常見的認知偏差(例如:確認偏誤、可得性偏誤等)



- Experimental activity: Demonstrate the impact of cognitive biases through small games

- 實驗活動:通過小遊戲展示認知偏差的影響

- Group discussion: How to avoid cognitive biases

- 小組討論:如何避免認知偏差

### Lesson 3: Metaphysics and Reality

### 課程3:形而上學與現實



- Explore fundamental questions in metaphysics, such as the nature of reality and the meaning of existence.

- 探索形而上學的基本問題,如現實的本質和存在的意義。



- What is metaphysics?

- 什麼是形而上學?

- Concepts of existence and reality

- 存在與現實的概念



- Group discussion: How do you know if you are living in a virtual world?

- 小組討論:如果你生活在一個虛擬世界中,你怎麼知道它不是真實的?

- Creative writing: Describe what you think is a "real world"

- 創意寫作:描述一個你認為的“真實世界”

### Lesson 4: Mind and Consciousness

### 課程4:心靈與意識



- Explore issues of mind and consciousness, including the relationship between mind and body.

- 探討心靈與意識的問題,包括心靈與身體的關係。



- Basic concepts of mind and consciousness

- 心靈與意識的基本概念

- Mind-body problem

- 心靈與身體問題



- Group discussion: How do you know others have consciousness?

- 小組討論:你如何知道別人有意識?

- Creative writing: Describe everything you are conscious of in a day

- 創意寫作:描述一天生活中你意識到的所有事情

### Lesson 5: Language and Meaning

### 課程5:語言與意義



- Understand how language conveys meaning and the relationship between language and reality.

- 理解語言如何傳達意義以及語言與現實的關係。



- Basic concepts of language and meaning

- 語言與意義的基本概念

- How language influences our understanding of the world

- 語言如何影響我們對世界的理解



- Group discussion: How do different languages express the same concept?

- 小組討論:不同的語言如何表達相同的概念?

- Creative activity: Invent a new language and explain its rules

- 創意活動:發明一種新的語言並解釋其規則

### Lesson 6: Ethics and Morality

### 課程6:倫理學與道德



- Explore fundamental questions in ethics and understand the standards of moral behavior.

- 探討倫理學的基本問題,理解道德行為的標準。



- Basic concepts of morality and ethics

- 道德與倫理的基本概念

- Common ethical theories (e.g., utilitarianism, deontology)

- 常見的倫理理論(例如:功利主義、義務論等)



- Case analysis: Analyze a moral dilemma

- 案例分析:分析一個道德兩難的情境

- Group discussion: Create your own guide to moral behavior

- 小組討論:設計自己的道德行為指南

### Lesson 7: Political Philosophy and Society

### 課程7:政治哲學與社會



- Explore fundamental questions in political philosophy, such as justice, rights, and the role of government.

- 探討政治哲學的基本問題,如正義、權利和政府的作用。



- Basic concepts of political philosophy

- 政治哲學的基本概念

- Theories of justice and fairness

- 正義與公平的理論



- Group discussion: Design an ideal society

- 小組討論:設計一個理想的社會

- Debate activity: How should the government distribute resources?

- 辯論活動:政府應該如何分配資源?

### Lesson 8: Happiness and the Good Life

### 課程8:幸福與美好生活



- Explore the nature of happiness and how to achieve a good and meaningful life.

- 探討幸福的本質以及如何實現美好生活。



- Concepts of happiness

- 幸福的概念

- Relationship between life satisfaction and happiness

- 生活滿意度與幸福的關係



- Group discussion: What makes you happy?

- 小組討論:什麼讓你感到快樂?

- Creative writing: Describe your ideal day

- 創意寫作:描述你理想中的一天

### Lesson 9: Technology and Ethics

### 課程9:科技與倫理



- Explore the ethical and social impacts of technological development.

- 探討科技發展對倫理和社會的影響。



- The neutrality of technology

- 科技的中立性問題

- Relationship between technology and privacy

- 科技與隱私的關係



- Case analysis: Analyze ethical issues brought by modern technology

- 案例分析:分析現代科技帶來的倫理問題

- Group discussion: How to balance technological development and moral considerations?

- 小組討論:如何平衡科技發展與道德考量?

### Lesson 10: Bioethics

### 課程10:生物倫理學



- Explore ethical issues related to healthcare and life sciences.

- 探討與醫療和生命科學相關的倫理問題。



- Ethical issues of biomedical enhancement

- 生物醫學增強的倫理問題

- Euthanasia and patient rights

- 安樂死與病人權利



- Case analysis: Discuss ethical issues of biomedical enhancement

- 案例分析:討論生物醫學增強的倫理問題

- Group discussion: In what situations do you think euthanasia is reasonable?

- 小組討論:你認為什麼情況下安樂死是合理的?

### Lesson 11: Neurophilosophy and Consciousness

### 課程11:神經哲學與意識



- Explore the relationship between consciousness and the brain and understand fundamental issues in neurophilosophy.

- 探討意識與大腦的關係,理解神經哲學的基本問題。



- Neural correlates of consciousness

- 意識的神經相關性

- Minds and consciousness of animals

- 動物的心靈與意識



- Group discussion: Do animals have consciousness?

- 小組討論:動物有意識嗎?

- Creative writing: Describe a world without consciousness

- 創意寫作:描述一個沒有意識的世界

### Lesson 12: Democracy and Civic Responsibility

### 課程12




- Explore fundamental principles of democracy and the responsibilities of citizens.

- 探討民主的基本原則以及公民的責任。



- Basic concepts of democracy

- 民主的基本概念

- Importance of civic responsibility and voting

- 公民責任與投票的重要性



- Group discussion: Why is voting important?

- 小組討論:為什麼投票重要?

- Simulated election: Conduct a mock election to experience the democratic process

- 模擬選舉:舉行一次模擬選舉,體驗民主過程

### Teaching Methods

### 教學方法

Each lesson will incorporate the core concepts of the 108 curriculum competencies, utilizing PBL (Problem-Based Learning) and the practical application of scaffolding teaching theory. Teachers will guide students in applying knowledge in real-world contexts and gradually increase learning difficulty and depth through scaffolding, helping students construct knowledge and enhance their abilities.


I hope these lessons will inspire children's interest in philosophy and cultivate their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.


福音101文章拯救靈魂101,Mr. gary寫101篇福音的文章分享。 每一篇福音文章拯救101個靈魂。101篇文章就可以拯救10,201個靈魂, 而這10,201個靈魂,再把這101篇的福音文章分享出去, 那麼就可以再拯救1萬人。 結論: 1萬的1萬倍就是好幾億人,就可以因為這個福音文章都有機會得救。
《馬太福音》4:1-11 提供了耶穌在曠野受試探的詳細敘述,這對研究耶穌的品格和教導具有重要價值。詳細的描述有助於對每個試探的象徵意義進行全面分析,並探討耶穌如何通過引用經文抵抗誘惑。以下是一些研究方向的建議。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7HgFMUseME 1. **主題引人深思**:此次講座探討存在、虛空與永恆,涵蓋了存在主義哲學的基本問題,如什麼是存在、如何理解存在與周圍事物的關係等,鼓勵聽眾從哲學角度深入思考。 2. **自我認識的重要性**:
健忘、腦霧有救!腦專家4招「記憶訓練法」鍛鍊腦力 https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20220613000005-260418?chdtv 明明才剛說完,為什麼總是一聽就忘?提升工作記憶力就靠這3個妙招 https://www.storm.mg
《馬太福音》4:1-11 提供了耶穌在曠野受試探的詳細敘述,這對研究耶穌的品格和教導具有重要價值。詳細的描述有助於對每個試探的象徵意義進行全面分析,並探討耶穌如何通過引用經文抵抗誘惑。以下是一些研究方向的建議。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7HgFMUseME 1. **主題引人深思**:此次講座探討存在、虛空與永恆,涵蓋了存在主義哲學的基本問題,如什麼是存在、如何理解存在與周圍事物的關係等,鼓勵聽眾從哲學角度深入思考。 2. **自我認識的重要性**:
健忘、腦霧有救!腦專家4招「記憶訓練法」鍛鍊腦力 https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20220613000005-260418?chdtv 明明才剛說完,為什麼總是一聽就忘?提升工作記憶力就靠這3個妙招 https://www.storm.mg
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