歡迎來到 Rayson English (瑞昇英語沙龍)!今天,我跟大家分享八種不同稱讚男女
Those shorts (短褲) fit you perfectly.
Your top (上衣) is so stylish and summery.
You look amazing in that sundress (太陽裙)!
sundress 太陽裙
That Polo shirt (Polo 衫) looks great on you!
Your T-shirt is really trendy.
You look really cool in those cargo shorts (工裝短褲).
cargo shorts 工裝短褲 (右)
工裝短褲(cargo shorts)之所以稱為 cargo,是因為它們設計有多個大口袋,類似於
原本用於軍事人員攜帶設備和物資的工裝褲。"cargo" 這個詞強調了它們的實用性和功能性,表明它們能容納各種物品,非常適合戶外活動和休閒穿著。
This outfit is as stunning as the ones you always choose.
Those sandals (涼鞋) are just as stylish as your other pairs.
Your summer dress today is more vibrant than ever.
sandals 涼鞋 (右)
This shirt really highlights your style just like your other favorites.
These sneakers (運動鞋) have a cool vibe, much like your other pairs.
You seem really at ease in these shorts, similar to how you look in your jeans.
I love your linen blouse (亞麻女襯衫); it looks so comfy (舒服的)!
Your sandals (涼鞋) are stylish; where did you get them?
That top (上衣) looks great; is it new?
linen blouse 亞麻女襯衫 (右)
Your MUJI shorts (無印良品短褲) look comfortable; did you get them recently?
I really like your hat (船夫帽); it suits you well.
Your chambray shirt (水手布襯衫) is awesome; what brand is it?
chambray shirt 水手布襯衫 (右)
水手布 (chambray) 是一種輕便的衣料 (a lightweight clothing fabric),類似
牛仔布 (denim) 但通常更輕和更柔軟。水手布由有色的經紗 (a colored warp) 和
白色的緯紗 (a white weft) 交織而成,具有獨特的質地 (a distinctive texture) 和外觀。
Is that a new denim top (牛仔上衣)? It’s gorgeous!
Are those new sandals (涼鞋)? They look great!
Did you just get that top (上衣)? It’s so chic!"
a chic top (右)
還記得我在這篇文章描述美妹 / 漂亮姐姐除了 beautiful 還可以怎麼說?及影片提過 chic 嗎?還沒看過待會可以點過去看喔!
Is that the Uniqlo AIRism tank top (坦克背心 / 無袖背心)? It looks fantastic!
Are those new sneakers (運動鞋)? They really pop!
Did you pick up those shorts (短褲) recently? They suit you well!
tank top 坦克背心 / 無袖背心
Wow, that MUJI striped T-shirt (MUJI 無印良品橫紋短袖T恤) is stunning!
Those Hermès Isle sandals (愛馬仕航海風涼鞋) are fantastic!
/ ɛr mɛs / “H” is silent.
Your top is amazing!
striped T-shirt 橫紋短袖T恤
Your sneakers are vibrant, adding a pop of color to your outfit.
Wow, that LOEWE T-shirt is cool!
/loˈeβe/ (德文發音)
LOEWE 「羅威」這個品牌雖然創於 19 世紀西班牙,但其實該字為德文,含義是獅子,
是以德國皮匠 Enrique Loewe Roessberg 之名來命名。
因為這個品牌實在太多人唸錯了,官網乾脆統一說明發音的方式 :
LOEWE 官網說明品牌發音
Those Polo Ralph Lauren shorts are preppy (學院風)!
preppy outfits (美式) 學院風服裝
學院風(preppy)起源於美國的預備學校(preparatory schools),這些學校的學生通常穿著整潔、經典的衣服。這種風格與就讀常春藤大學等學校的富裕生活方式有關。
比喻式讚美使用比喻語言將一個人的特質比作其他事物,通常增強讚美的效果。這些比較創造了生動的畫面,並以創意方式突出了特定的優點。例如,說「你像陽光一樣閃耀」就是用比喻的方式將某人的明亮或積極與陽光的光芒連結起來。這種方法為讚美增添了深度 (depth) 和溫暖 (warmth),使其難忘且吸引人。
Your outfit is as fresh as a morning dew. (像晨露一樣清新)
That dress makes you shine like the sun. (像太陽一樣閃耀)
Your floral top is a garden in bloom. (像盛開的花園)
as fresh as a morning dew 像晨露一樣清新
Those shorts are as relaxed as a day at the beach.
Those shorts are perfect for a day in paradise.
Your T-shirt looks as refreshing (令人耳目一新) as a cool summer stream (溪流).
That outfit is giving me classic movie star vibes!
牛津字典指出 vibes 一字是 “a mood or an atmosphere produced by a particular person, thing or place”,並且標記為 (pl.) 意為常複數。
vibes 意思近似「感覺、氣氛」
vibes 感覺、氣氛
Your sandals look like something out of the fashion magazine Vogue.
* Vogue 時尚雜誌名
That dress reminds me of a summer festival.
Your shirt looks like something from a surf movie (衝浪電影).
Those shorts are straight out of a summer catalog (夏季穿搭目錄).
Your casual look has a vintage vibe (復古風格).
a casual vintage vibe 休閒復古風
當有人說「你的休閒造型有復古風格」 (Your casual look has a vintage vibe.),這通常是正面的。這個讚美意味著你的風格帶有懷舊的魅力 (a nostalgic charm),並且融合了過去幾十年的元素,這讓很多人覺得很有吸引力 (appealing) 且時尚 (stylish)。復古風格通常與獨特性和不退流行的時尚感 (a sense of timeless fashion) 連結在一起。
這種表達方式專注於具體細節,突顯個人的風格、喜好或服裝如何襯托 (complement) 他們的外表 (how the clothing complements their appearance)。這些讚美表現出對
That color of the eye shadow (眼影) really brings out (襯托) your eyes!
Your dress highlights your great sense of style.
Those sneakers match your vibrant personality (活潑個性)."
eye shadow that brings out your eyes
That shirt complements (襯托) your skin tone (膚色) perfectly.
shirt complementing skin tone 襯托膚色的襯衫
Your shorts show off (展現) your relaxed style.
The hat highlights your fun personality (有趣的個性).
"有趣的個性"(fun personality)指的是一個活潑 (lively)、開朗 (cheerful),並且喜歡玩樂 (playful) 或輕鬆活動的人。這表示那頂帽子突顯了一個人的活力朝氣與迷人性格。
好的,Rayson 總結一下這八種不同讚美夏季穿搭的方法。
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
1. 直接讚美 Direct Compliments
2. 比較式讚美 Comparative Compliments
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
3. 嵌入式讚美 Embedded Compliments
4. 提問式讚美 Question Compliments
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
5. 驚嘆式讚美 Exclamatory Compliments
6. 比喻式讚美 Metaphoric Compliments
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
7. 文化參照讚美 Cultural References
8. 個性化讚美 Personalized Compliments
瑞昇英語沙龍 (Rayson English)
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