*Main idea: Medical use of codfish→ An example of cross-field collaboration
(Major event) “transplanting codfish skins onto human bodies→
→ (Para. 2, Line 1) “A triumph for medical technology . . .”
*Main idea: the pioneering procedure [the transplantation] as an item under 100% Fish
TS: [The surgery] was [. . .] part of the [. . .] achievement of “100% Fish” . . .
[100% Fish is]: a task in promoting environmental efficiency.
Thesis statement (CS): The Icelandic project aims to encourage full utilization of each fish caught, and to strengthen innovation in seafood product.
*Main idea: Examples of Icelanders’ uses of marine resources in different fields
TS: Reducing waste of fish catch has become a serious issue today.
[The passage is about: showing how efficiently the Icelanders use cods]
(To support the argument) “Under the guidance of 100% Fish, [. . .], Icelanders are now using almost 95% of a cod.
*Main idea: the importance of collaboration across various industries
TS: The Icelandic success is [achieved] through cooperative efforts/collaboration across various industries.
43. Goal of 100% Fish
44. “this pioneering procedure” in para. 2.
45. True statement
46. “Almost nothing of a fish is left for the trash bin” as a conclusive sentence for which paragraph of this article.
(B)也有引誘性,因為”to reduce food crises”確實在第三段有提到。但本文並沒深入探究全球性的(worldwide)議題,而是聚焦在冰島經驗(the Icelandic experience)。不細心閱讀也有可能上鉤選錯答案。
本題選(D) “To make the most marine resources”【善用、盡可能有效利用之意】
參考劍橋線上辭典,”to make the most of something” means,
To take full advantage of something because it may not last long[1]
由辭典解釋,可以看出”to make the most of” 可以抽換成”to take full advantage of”;另外接近的片語還有”to make use of”。
進一步推敲,試卷設計者應該是想引導考生看到片語中”the most”這個部分。筆者會這樣推論的理由是,在第二段結論句,本文的要旨,有提到“to encourage full utilization”;考生需要聯想”to make the most”→ “to take full advantage”→ “full utilization” 這些互相關聯的片語。
筆者判斷,這題相對不講武德;其原因在於:考生可能熟悉 “to take advantage of”,但不必然知道 “to make the most of”;熟悉的片語其實被藏在題目的片語定義底下。如果考生不是靠「望文生義,」就是平常很閒、時間很多,開劍橋辭典逐條背誦;要不是矇對,要不就是背很多不一定出現在官方公布7,000單條列,或出現過但沒人閒到花心思逐一記下來,然後考試的時候記得,且把答案寫下來。
這題考第二段落的“this pioneering procedure” 是什麼意思;或者,代換成什麼詞彙(In other words, . . ./ to use another term, . . .)。
筆者揣測,試卷設計者的意圖是,測驗考生能否將”this pioneering procedure”看作一組詞,並用”this” 代換。
What does “this pioneering procedure” mean?
“What does “this” mean?
根據文章的「銜接性」(cohesion),第一段的結尾句(Para. 1, CS)緊接著第二段開頭主題句(Para. 2, TS);在第二段,第二句承接主題句、用以補充論述的句子(supportive sentence),理應將上段的”transplantation”跟”the Icelandic project”連結起來。
Para. 2
Line 1 (TS): Fish skin transplantation was a part of the 100% Fish [project].
Line 2 (SS): The Icelandic project, from which this pioneering procedure emerged . . .
→進一步用 this 可以簡化成:
Line 1 (TS): Skin Transplantation was a part of the 100% Fish [project].
Line 2 (SS): The Icelandic project, from which this emerged . . .
所謂的”pioneering procedure”【開創性的醫療處置】,其實只有第一段所描述的唯一一件醫療事件──移植魚皮(transplanting codfish skins)──而已。若要準確解答這題,考生必須分辨this-transplantation和project兩組詞組,是如何透過兩個複合句子【有一個主詞和動詞的「單句,」用副詞子句或形容詞子句補語連接的冗長句子】銜接在一起:主題句破題,支持句子加以描述主題句的論點。
選項(A) Iceland has increased . . . 跟本文的宗旨背道而馳(it runs counter to the task of . . .
選項(B)Oddsson是計畫受益者(who benefits from the project),而非計畫成員。
選項(D) 100% Fish 是計畫(project),而非企業(enterprise)
選項(C)為真;第四段整段都在闡釋「跨界合作」(cross-field collaboration)與各類產業合作(“through cooperative efforts across various industries)的重要性(the importance of collaboration)
第46題非常有趣;是前面第32與34題【請參考前文分析四、篇章結構(31-34)】的變化題。有別於前述兩題考主題句、將第一句話挖空,這題反過來考「結論句」(conclusive sentence)、挖空總收段落的最後一句話。結論句的功能是「總收全段、前後呼應」──最明顯的特徵是將主題句「換句話說。」
我們來看”Almost nothing of a fish is left for the trash bin”怎麼換句話說:
Para. 3, CS: Almost nothing of a fish is left for the trash bin
Para. 3, TS: Reducing waste of fish catch has become a serious issue today.
Para. 3, SS: “Under the guidance of 100% Fish, [. . .], Icelanders are now using almost 95% of a cod.
Para. 3, CS: Almost nothing of a fish is left for the trash bin
Para. 3, TS: Icelanders reduce waste of fish catch [by] using almost 95% of a cod under the guidance of 100% Fish.
[Or,] 100% Fish Project guides Icelanders to use almost 95% of a cod, reducing waste of fish catch
Para. 3, CS: The waste of a fish is reduced [to a degree that] almost nothing of a fish is [thrown away].
Para. 3, TS: Icelanders reduce waste of fish catch [by] using almost 95% of a cod under the guidance of 100% Fish.
Para. 3, TS: Icelanders reduce waste of fish catch [by] using almost 95% of a cod
Para. 3, CS: The waste of a fish is reduced [to a degree that] almost nothing of a fish is [thrown away].
Para. 3, CS: Almost nothing of a fish is left for the trash bin
Para. 3, CS*: The waste of a fish is reduced to a degree that almost nothing of a fish is thrown away.
Para. 3, CS**: [. . .] [A]lmost nothing of a fish is thrown away
43. (D)
44. (B)
45. (C)
46. (C)
[1] Cambridge Dictionary (“to make the most of”) [entry]