更新於 2019/11/26閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

You are what you eat ! 豬,不是一天造成的。

    When we talk about eating, the connection in mind is: 聊到吃的時候,我們的腦中順序是這樣快轉的嗎? “food-delicious-go get it-being fat-losing weight-in vein. Is it?” If this is your mind-process, then you are lack of awareness. 如果這是你的腦中運作模式,那我可真要說,你缺乏了對食物的自覺。 Eating is quite an important thing that all my students in class will shine up their eyes when I mentioned about it. 飲食對我所有的台灣學生而言真是太重要惹,每當聊起這話題,就全班眼神閃亮亮~ How to bring a fresh-new food topic to your class without Mac Donald (again!!! Or, talk about MacDonald in a whole new way? 可以把飲食的主題帶到班上,然後用個不同的方式詮釋嗎? 比如:不要再聊麥當當,抑或,用全新的方式聊麥當當? There is nothing wrong with how Mac Brothers made fortune from hamburgers, but the food lessons in Taiwan are already on ordering food. And I really don’t think that’s a real lesson for food, not a bit. 我對麥當勞兄弟如何靠漢堡賺好幾番,真的沒有任何意見,但是對於台灣的英文食物教學永遠鎖定在麥當勞點餐,感到悲桑。我真的不覺得那是食物教學,連邊邊都沾不上。 影片《美味代價》 可以給點啟發。
    Or maybe I could start from what the real food is. 又或者,我們可以聊聊大家都沒有仔細分辨的真食物
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