更新於 2021/04/15閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

041321 Swing& 搖擺

    After a nap, ride my bike, have the short walk after the jogging, at my elementary school.  Like to visit the places in my personal history, keep learning from the younger me who gets closer to the original me.  Love to keep the memories especially the sweet ones, together with all positive wording & the pure love collected, on my mind.  They nourish me.  Also, they comfort me when I’m down.  Naturally, I get up, even stronger, enjoy dancing which I do fall in love with.  Innocently Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 順著風向, 隨著風的韻律, 輕鬆地搖, 自由地擺動著. 面貌, 美; 展現自我原色;舞姿, 妙; 因為馬步夠穩. 風教練, 隨堂測肌力腿力.
    After a nap, ride my bike, have the short walk after the jogging, at my elementary school. Like to visit the places in my personal history, keep learning from the younger me who gets closer to the original me. Love to keep the memories especially the sweet ones, together with all positive wording & the pure love collected, on my mind. They nourish me. Also, they comfort me when I’m down. Naturally, I get up, even stronger, enjoy dancing which I do fall in love with. Innocently Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 順著風向, 隨著風的韻律, 輕鬆地搖, 自由地擺動著. 面貌, 美; 展現自我原色; 舞姿, 妙; 因為馬步夠穩. 風教練, 隨堂測肌力腿力.
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