法庭的攻防戰中,Jimmy戰術成功,Chuck失去理智,說出了心裡話: I am not crazy. I am not crazy. I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was"1216." One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never. I just.. I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks. He got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him.You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard.Are you telling me a man just happens to fall like that? No. He orchestrated it. Jimmy. He defeated through a sunroof. And I saved him. And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm. What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change. Ever since he was 9, always the same. Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer."But not our Jimmy.". "Couldn't be precious Jimmy." Stealing then blind. And he gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke. I should've stopped him when I had the chance. And you…You have to stop him..You…(看向仲裁的法律代表,意識到自己失言)
經歷了小金車禍後,Jimmy意識到是因為他的任性(想保留住事務所)所導致,他回想起之前與哥哥的決裂,他有些後悔,希望兄弟間不要就此破裂,想趁還來得及之前道歉和好,於是找向哥哥道歉。 Yeah. I have regrets. Why? Well, because you're my brother…… No. Why have regrets at all? What's the point? What do you mean? Well, look at you. You're in so much pain. Why are you putting yourself through all this? Because I want to tell you… That you have regrets. And I'm telling you don't brother. What's the point?(深吸一口氣)You're just gonna keep hurting people. That's not true. Jimmy, this is what you do. You hurt people. Over and over and over. And then there's this show of remorse. It's not a show. I know you don't think it's a show. I don't doubt your emotions are real…but what's the point of all the sad faces and the gnashing of teeth? If you're not going to change your behaviour and you won't… I can change… …why not just skin the whole exercise? In the end, you're gonna hurt everyone around you. You can't help it. So stop apologizing and accept it. Embrace it. Frankly, I'd have more respect for you if you did. Wha about you, Chuck? You didn't do anything worng? You're just an innocent victim? Let me put your mind at ease, Jimmy. You don't have to make up with me. We don't understand each other. Things are fine the way they are.Hey, I don't want to hurt your feelings…but the truth is you've never mattered all that much to me.
連續看完這兩段,我們看到Chuck內心的嫉妒失言,也看到言語是可以如何刺傷一個人的內心深處,我們也見識到兩兄弟最悲哀的現實。 1、最熟悉的陌生人 記得某集的開頭,是青少年的Chuck在戶外帳篷為年幼的Jimmy講著故事,那樣單純的片段,就只能成為回憶, 他們幾乎知曉對方的一切,甚至都可精準判斷出彼此的下一步,但卻是完全不同的走向,兩兄弟本來是可以互補的特性,但卻走向毀滅的結局,是什麼樣的轉折點,Chuck開始嫉妒Jimmy,甚至當Jimmy逐漸成功時,又擔心自己被追上或是否定? 當Jimmy想尋求救贖時,一眼看穿的Chuck,完全不給弟弟任何一絲希望,全然地否定一切,決心要讓Jimmy溺水下去。Hey, I don't want to hurt your feelings…but the truth is you've never mattered all that much to me. 看到這個片段,令我在螢幕前都不禁毛骨悚然起來,因為那是極度純粹的惡意,當然很快地,Chuck也為了這樣的惡意付出代價。 2、Chuck的末路
第三季的結尾,在Chuck狠狠重傷Jimmy的內心後,我們原以為這場兄弟之戰的最後贏家已經出爐,但我們錯了。 因為看似一切上軌道的Chuck,其實內心早已被掏空,一生最引以為傲的律師身份,卻在自己失言與情緒問題後,從保險公司上門找碴,到被合伙人寧可自掏腰包也要狠狠捨棄;世上僅存願意關心自己的人,也才剛被自己惡意地踢開,這一切都讓建立起Chuck的人生逐漸崩潰。 他開始找那條「不存在」的「電流」,想把這個困擾自己的困擾給剔除,現實中的電流好找,但心中缺少的那塊,卻怎樣都找不到,「心病」壓誇了Chuck。 畫面最後停留在彌留之際,Chuck腳不斷踢著桌子,讓油燈一步、一步、一步滑落地面,燃起大火,結束他那好似充滿傳奇,卻不勝唏噓的人生。