2023-01-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

詩譯|搭便車的底特律安妮 🎧

她傾訴的話語宣洩仿若她喉頸動脈斷裂 她的思緒似雕花玻璃卻缺乏於妥善照料 你會想像她戴一頂天鵝絨帽上插有黑羽毛,搖晃 取而代之的是她理光了頭,走上三天的午夜漫遊 有時她走下碼頭,在尾端盡情舞蹈 這般輕而易舉地證明了她所相信的 那些說無法行走在水上的人(其實是)缺乏想像力 當她殘忍無情時,她非常,非常冷酷 當她和藹可親時,她慷慨,大方 漁人們猜她像魚,但他們都是愚人 她領悟了唯有持續運轉才不致於凍結 於是許久前,她將自身浸泡於液體 一旦她感受到威脅,會溢出自身,遍灑四處 像汽油,起火點燃,會在你舌根留下滋味、熨燙 讓你贊同這樣一位平淡的女子,也像濃醇的紅酒 隨手取了一張舊CD聽《Carnegie Hall 4.6.02》,歌手Ani DiFranco讀頌她欣賞的一位美國女詩人Judy Grahn(1940-)的作品,詩裡的韻律像與她融合為一。趁一回空檔仔細閱讀字裡行間的意思,由紅的喉頸斷裂開始,自紅的醇酒結束;在碼頭盡頭舞蹈形容成水上行走;中文的漁人恰巧與詩中fools愚人同音。發現真是一首好詩: 🎞️ Ani DiFranco,《Detroit Annie--hitchhiking》 Poem by Judy Grahn
原文詩句 Her words pour out as if her throat were a broken artery and her mind were cut-glass, carelessly handled. You imagine her in a huge velvet hat with great dangling black feathers, but she shaves her head instead and goes for three-day midnight walks. Sometimes she goes down to the dock and dances off the end of it, simply to prove her belief that people who cannot walk on water are phonies, or dead. When she is cruel, she is very, very cool and when she is kind she is lavish. Fishermen think perhaps she’s a fish, but they’re all fools. She figured out that the only way to keep from being frozen was to stay in motion, and long ago converted most of her flesh into liquid. Now when she smells danger, she spills herself all over, like gasoline, and lights it. She leaves the taste of salt and iron under your tongue, but you don't mind The common woman is as common as the reddest wine.

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