2023-12-31|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

啟示之詩01 Verse of Revelation01

啟示之詩01 Verse of Revelation01
啟示耶穌基督,天使揚言,Revelation of Christ, the angels declare,
顯示神僕,必成之事。Foretelling the fate, of God's servants with care.
約翰為見證,記錄聖言,John bears witness, recording the Word,
在耶穌國度,同患難忍耐。In Jesus' kingdom, through trials endured.
拔摩海島,聖靈感應,On Patmos Isle, by the Spirit inspired,
主日之中,喇叭聲響。The Lord's Day resounds, with trumpets acquired.
七個教會,書信傳遞,To seven churches, the letters convey,
亞西亞之地,信仰廣播。In Asia's lands, faith spreads every day.
七金燈臺,人子立中,In midst of golden lampstands stands He,
長衣垂足,金帶環胸。With robe to His feet, gold sash 'round physique.
頭髮皓白,如羊毛雪,Hair white as wool, like snow He appears,
眼目熾熱,如火焰燃。His eyes blazing fire, igniting all fears.
腳如光銅,爐中鍛煉,Feet like bronze glowing, in furnace refined,
聲音洪亮,如瀑布響。Voice like a waterfall, forceful in kind.
右手握星,雙刃利劍,Holding stars in His right, sharp two-edged sword,
面如烈日,光耀無疆。Face like the sun, shining bright, ever-forward.
願此詩篇,傳頌千里,May this verse reach far, a thousand miles wide,
啟示錄中,真理揭示。Revelation's truth, its mysteries provide.
讓我們緊握,信仰之火,Let us hold tightly, to faith's burning fire,
期待主再來,眾目所見。Await the Lord's return, seen by all in desire.
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