2023-04-28|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

【英文謬誤】-It was a false alarm! 是一個錯誤的鬧鐘?!

false alarm意思是虛驚一場,你也可以直接解釋爲假警報、烏龍。
E.g. Someone called to say a plane crashed into 101 building, but it turned out to be a false alarm.
提到alarm這個字,就要聯想到go off這個片語(鬧鐘鈴響)。 E.g. My alarm went off at 7:30. 我的鬧鐘今天七點半響了。 如果要講設定鬧鐘,就用set這個字,設定在幾點鈴響,記得介系詞是for不是at,不要被中文的介詞「在」給誤導了。 E.g. I set the alarm for 6:45 AM. (= My alarm will ring at 6:45 AM.)
如果用at,就表示你是在那個時間設定好鬧鐘,而不是指你預定的時間響起。 如果用to,表示你把時鐘調成那個時間。
E.g. I set the alarm to 6:45 AM. (= I set the time that my clock shows to 6:45AM.)
關掉鬧鐘:turn off/ switch off
Note that the clock must be set to the correct time, and the alarm must be set for the time you want to wake up.
中文會說驚擾、震驚、驚恐,也可以搭配alarm這個字。 provoke/create/cause alarm解釋爲引發震驚、造成騷動。 E.g. The outbreak of bird flu(禽流感) provoked alarm among all citizens.
express/register alarm 解釋為流露出驚恐。 E.g. The president expressed alarm at the news. E.g. Julia’s face registered no alarm at all after finding out her husband is cheating on her.
引發、觸發(警鈴): trigger/activate/set off
E.g. The alarm can be easily triggered.
你有沒有發生過一些false alarm的故事呢? 請在下面留言!
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