2023-05-22|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

【日常英文】片語小集錦day 3

buy up 大量買下;買光
The rich man bought up all the diamonds in the store.
call at sth. (為完成…而)使用,施展
I would have to call on all my strength to meet the deadline.
call down 祈求降禍於
I call down all the curses in Hell upon your head.
call it a day 到此為止,到此收工,休息
Let's call it a day. See you tomorrow!
in no case 絕不
In no case will I eat stinky tofu.
as is the case with someone (就而言)是常有的事
As is the case with many jobs, you may face occupational burnout sometimes.
Chances are that S + V... 有可能...
Chances are that I lost my phone in the public toilet.
for the better 有所好轉
I believe that meditation can change her health situation for the better.
be characteristic of+N 是...的特色
Paparazzi seems a characteristic of all mass media of 1990s.
charge someone with sth. (1) 控告
The celebrity charged her with human trafficking.
(2) 吩咐,命令
The girl was charged with taking care of her younger brother.
be a close call 千鈞一髮
The bus just missed the child, but it was a very close call.
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