2011-02-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

語資班之Reading Assignment on 17 Feb


       In some cultures, the act of touching another person is considered very intimate and is therefore reserved for people who know each other very well. In the United States, for example, young children are taught that it is rude to stand too close to people.

       By the time they are adults, Americans have learned to feel most comfortable when standing at about an arm’s length away from people to whom they are talking. And many Americans do not touch each other with great frequency while talking (this is particularly true of men.) In contrast, other cultures have more relaxed rules regarding touching.

       For example, it is usual for friends – both men and women – to embrace each other when they meet. When they talk they generally stand closer than Americans do, and they touch each other more often. They are as much at ease doing this as Americans are with more space between them, and they feel just as uncomfortable with Americans’ “touching rules” as Americans feel with theirs.

    1.      What is the comfortable space between Americans when they are talking?

    (A)  An arm’s length.

    (B)  More than an arm’s length.

    (C)  Less than an arm’s length.

    (D)  It depends.

    2.      Which of the following statements is not true?

    (A)  Many Americans do not touch each other very often while talking.

    (B)  American children are taught not to stand too close to people while talking.

    (C)  The act of touching another person is considered very intimate in the United States.

    (D)  Americans have more relaxed rules than other cultures regarding touching.

    3.      Which of the following statement best summarizes the main idea in this paragraph?

    (A)  Americans feel uncomfortable when standing too close to people.

    (B)  Touching is considered intimate in some cultures.

    (C)  Other cultures may feel uncomfortable with Americans’ “touching rules.”

    (D)  Different cultures have different rules regarding touching.


    縱橫正有淩雲筆,化為雄風紙上揚。~螃蟹老大~ Love is not to find someone to live with, but to find someone we cannot live without.
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