2024-06-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

Discussion at the Campus Coffee Shop

本次練習的主題是「在校園咖啡廳的討論社交媒體」,在這篇文章中,我們將介紹一段由兩位學生,Alice 和 Brian,進行的英語對話,並提供繁體中文翻譯及重要的單字解析。透過使用Clipchamp - 輕鬆幫你練習英文口說,您可以反覆聆聽這段對話,從而提升您的英語聽力和口語能力。

Title: Discussion at the Campus Coffee Shop


  1. Alice (A)
  2. Brian (B)


A: Brian, what's your take on the impact of social media on academic performance?

A: Brian,你怎麼看社交媒體對學業表現的影響?

B: Well, Alice, I think it has its pros and cons. On one hand, it can be distracting, but on the other, it's a great way to share and access educational resources.

B: 嗯,Alice,我認為它有好有壞。一方面,它可能會讓人分心,但另一方面,它是分享和獲取教育資源的好方法。

A: That's true. I've read several articles suggesting that moderated use could actually enhance learning.

A: 的確如此。我讀過幾篇文章表明,適度使用實際上可以增強學習。

B: Interesting. Do you think universities should implement policies to integrate social media in learning environments? B: 有趣。你認為大學應該實施政策,在學習環境中整合社交媒體嗎?

A: Definitely. If done wisely, it could foster collaboration and engagement among students. A: 絕對應該。如果操作得當,它可以促進學生之間的合作與參與。

B: I agree. Maybe we could suggest this in our next student council meeting? B: 我同意。也許我們可以在下次學生會議中提出這個建議?

A: Great idea! Let's draft a proposal over the weekend. A: 好主意!我們週末來起草一個提案。

B: Sounds like a plan. Thanks for this discussion, Alice. B: 聽起來是個計劃。謝謝你的討論,Alice。

A: Anytime, Brian. See you at the meeting! A: 隨時都行,Brian。會議上見!


  1. Impact (影響):
    • Meaning: The action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another, or a marked effect or influence.
    • Example: "What's your take on the impact of social media on academic performance?"
  2. Distracting (分心的):
    • Meaning: Causing one's attention to be diverted from something important.
    • Example: "Social media can be distracting."
  3. Educational Resources (教育資源):
    • Meaning: Materials or information used for education, such as books, videos, and software.
    • Example: "Social media is a great way to share and access educational resources."
  4. Moderated (適度的):
    • Meaning: Kept within a certain limit; not excessive or extreme.
    • Example: "Moderated use could actually enhance learning."
  5. Implement (實施):
    • Meaning: To put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.
    • Example: "Universities should implement policies to integrate social media."
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