2024-07-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘

別怪台灣沒全英環境,隨時隨地展開Small Talk抓住機會練英文


兩位國中生可導覽彰化,我覺得很厲害。回想當年三十出頭的Wilson,也有個機會簡單地向外國人介紹台灣。以下是Wilson的Small Talk經驗,傳播台灣人的友善給來台旅行的外國人:


Wilson: "Wow, that's quite a load you're carrying there! Looks like you've had a great shopping trip. Heading back home?"(哇,你拿了不少東西啊!看來你購物之旅很成功。準備回家了嗎?)

旅人: "Oh, yes! I might have gone a bit overboard with the souvenirs. It's my first time visiting Taiwan."(是的!我可能買了太多紀念品。這是我第一次來台灣。)

Wilson: "First time? That's exciting! I'm Wilson, by the way. How did you like your stay here?"(第一次來?真令人興奮!順便說一下,我叫Wilson。你覺得在這裡的旅程如何?)

旅人: "Nice to meet you, Wilson. I'm Alex. It's been amazing! Everyone's so friendly, and the food is incredible."(很高興認識你,Wilson。我是Alex。太棒了!每個人都很友善,食物也非常美味。)

Wilson: "Glad to hear that! Those packages smell amazing. Did you visit Tamsui by any chance? Their iron eggs are quite famous."(聽到這個我很高興!那些包裹聞起來很香。你有去淡水嗎?那裡的鐵蛋很有名。)

Alex: "Yes, I did! The iron eggs are in one of these bags. How did you guess?"(是的,我去了!鐵蛋就在其中一個袋子裡。你怎麼猜到的?)

Wilson: "Just a hunch! They have a distinctive smell. Since you enjoyed the food so much, do you have a favorite Taiwanese dish?"(只是猜的!它們有一種獨特的氣味。既然你那麼喜歡這裡的食物,你最喜歡哪道台灣菜?)

Alex: "Oh, that's a tough one. But I think I'd have to say 'a-gei'. It's so unique and delicious!"(哦,這個問題很難回答。但我想我會說是阿給。它非常獨特又好吃!)

Wilson: "Ah, a-gei! That's a great choice. It's one of Tamsui's specialties. Did you try it at the famous shop near the Old Street?"(啊,阿給!這是個很棒的選擇。它是淡水的特色小吃之一。你是在老街附近那家有名的店嘗試的嗎?)

Alex: "Yes, I did! The combination of fried tofu stuffed with glass noodles and topped with that special sauce was amazing. I've never had anything like it before."(是的!炸豆腐裡面包著冬粉,上面淋著特製醬料的組合真是太棒了。我以前從來沒吃過這樣的東西。)

Wilson: "I'm glad you enjoyed it. You know, there's an interesting story behind a-gei. It was actually created by accident in the 1950s when a shop owner tried to salvage some spilled glass noodles."(我很高興你喜歡它。你知道嗎?阿給背後其實有個有趣的故事。它實際上是在1950年代意外創造的,當時一個店主想要挽救一些灑出來的冬粉。)

Alex: "Really? That's fascinating! I love how food can have such interesting histories."(真的嗎?太有趣了!我很喜歡食物背後可以有這麼有趣的歷史。)

Wilson: "Absolutely! Speaking of food history, I recommend a great museum called the Taipei Story House that has exhibits on Taiwanese cuisine. It's worth checking out if you're interested in food culture."(沒錯!說到食物歷史,我推薦一個叫做台北故事館的博物館,那裡有關於台灣美食的展覽。如果你對食物文化感興趣的話,值得看看。)

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