2024-07-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 27 分鐘




The scene takes place at a bustling trade exposition. A is the CEO of a technology company, B is the Vice President of an urban development firm, and C is the Organizing Director of the exposition.
場景發生在一個熙來攘往的貿易博覽會。A 是一家科技公司的 CEO,B 是一家城市開發公司的副總裁,而 C 則是本次博覽會的策劃總監。

C: Welcome to our annual business exposition. As the Organizing Director, I hope everyone here today can have a fruitful and enlightening experience.

C: 歡迎各位蒞臨本次年度商務博覽會。作為策劃者,我希望在場的各位都能有所收穫,有一個啟發人心的一天。

A: I agree. This is an excellent platform for us to connect with industry elites and explore new business opportunities. As the CEO of a technology company, I'm particularly interested in the innovative products and solutions being showcased here.

A: 我完全同意。這是一個讓我們與業界精英建立聯繫、探索新商機的絕佳平台。作為一家科技公司的 CEO,我特別對這裡展示的創新產品和解決方案感興趣。

B: Absolutely. Such cross-industry exchange opportunities are quite rare. As the Vice President of an urban development firm, I plan to utilize today to engage in in-depth discussions with companies that align with our vision of building smart cities.

B: 完全正確。這種跨界交流的機會非常難得。作為一家城市開發公司的副總裁,我打算好好利用今天,與那些與我們建設智慧城市的願景相符的公司進行深入洽談。

C: I'm delighted to hear your positive feedback. When planning this exposition, our goal was to bring the industry the latest trends and cutting-edge technologies. Please feel free to explore the exhibits and connect with potential partners. I believe you will all find great value here today.

C: 我非常高興聽到您的積極反饋。在策劃這次博覽會時,我們的目標就是為業界帶來最新的趨勢和前沿技術。請盡情探索展品,並與潛在的合作夥伴聯繫。我相信您們今天都會找到很大的價值。

A: I'd like to express my gratitude for your excellent organization of this event. This exposition has provided us with an invaluable business platform. I'm confident that through the exchanges today, we will uncover many new opportunities for collaboration.

A: 我想藉此機會感謝您們出色的活動組織。這次博覽會為我們提供了一個無價的商業平台。我相信通過今天的交流,我們一定能發現許多新的合作機會。

B: I share the same sentiments. As the Vice President of an urban development firm, the insights and connections I gain here today will be tremendously beneficial to our future projects and strategic planning.

B: 我也有同感。作為一家城市開發公司的副總裁,我今天在這裡獲得的見解和聯繫,將對我們未來的項目和戰略規劃產生巨大的幫助。

C: I'm truly delighted to hear your positive comments. As the Organizing Director, helping create value for all of you is our greatest reward. I wish you all a productive day, and we look forward to seeing you again next year!

C: 我由衷地感到高興聽到您的積極評價。身為策劃者,能為各位創造價值,這就是我們最大的收穫。祝您今天工作順利,明年再見!

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