2024-07-05|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 26 分鐘

會計師的茶水間密語Small Talk:商務英語也能學到辦公室八卦


  • 討論同事的職業變動
  • 提到公司的內部政治(如裙帶關係)
  • 分享日常小事(如自動販賣機的情況)
  • 暗示可能的公司大事(如併購)

Secrets Beyond the Spreadsheets: Accountants' Break Room Whispers

Sarah (資深會計師): Hey Lisa, have you heard the latest? Rumor has it that Johnson from Tax might be leaving for our biggest competitor.嘿Lisa,你聽說了最新消息嗎?有傳言說稅務部的Johnson可能要跳槽到我們最大的競爭對手那裡。

Lisa (初級審計師): Really? That's a shock. He's been here for what, ten years?真的嗎?太令人震驚了。他在這裡工作了多久,十年了吧?

Sarah: Twelve actually. Word is they offered him a partner position. Can you imagine the client list he might take with him?實際上是十二年。聽說他們給他開出了合夥人的職位。你能想像他可能會帶走多少客戶嗎?

Lisa: Wow, that's huge. But wait, isn't that against our non-compete clause?哇,那可不得了。但是等等,這不是違反了我們的競業禁止條款嗎?

Sarah: Technically yes, but you know how these things go. Oh, and get this – I heard the new guy in Auditing is actually the CEO's nephew.從技術上來說是的,但你知道這種事情怎麼回事。哦,還有這個 – 我聽說審計部的新人其實是CEO的侄子。

Lisa: No way! Is that why he got the corner cubicle on his first day?不會吧!難怪他第一天就得到了角落的隔間辦公室?

Sarah: Probably. Just keep that to yourself. Oh, and heads up – the vending machine is out of those protein bars you like. I saw Karen from Payroll take the last one.可能是吧。這事你自己知道就好。哦,還有要提醒你 – 自動販賣機裡你喜歡的蛋白棒賣完了。我看到薪資部的Karen拿走了最後一個。

Lisa: Ugh, typical. Thanks for the warning. Any other office drama I should know about?唉,真不走運。謝謝提醒。還有什麼辦公室八卦是我應該知道的嗎?

Sarah: Well, rumor has it the company might be looking at a merger, but that's just speculation at this point. Anyway, we should get back. Those balance sheets won't reconcile themselves!嗯,有傳言說公司可能在考慮併購,但目前這只是猜測。不管怎樣,我們該回去工作了。那些資產負債表可不會自己平衡!

Lisa: Right, back to the grind. Thanks for keeping me in the loop, Sarah!說得對,該回去幹活了。謝謝你讓我了解這些內部消息,Sarah!

Small Talk
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