更新於 2025/01/23閱讀時間約 7 分鐘

客家青年起義,捍衛文化主權! Fighting for Our Voices!

  我們客家青年世代關心客家文化的發展現況。 獲悉立法院在野黨提案刪減客家委員會媒體、藝術及文化推廣預算,不禁要問:「為何總是客家人要被迫犧牲權益與地位?」


  這些預算不只是客委會的支出,更是客家社群在台灣社會發聲的機會。 它們是母語傳承的橋樑,也是年輕世代認識自身文化的途徑。 讓客語在電視、廣播和網路平台上被聽見,讓客家活動被更多人看見。 客家文化資源與人才都是寶貴的資產,不應被扼殺,而應被珍惜與支持! 刪減這些預算不僅是政治代表權的喪失,更是客家文化在公共領域進一步邊緣化的象徵!


  客家人在台灣一直處於相對弱勢的地位,過去幾十年來,前人們為母語復甦而奮鬥不懈,客語才逐漸重返大眾視野。 但如今預算遭到大幅刪減,客家聲音將從媒體消失。這不就是母語流失、文化衰落的開始嗎?

  客家文化是滋養我們自幼成長的認同。 我們不會缺席捍衛客家文化的權益,正如我們的祖先一樣。 我們呼籲客家長輩與社團團結發聲,我們不能再沉默,不能再容忍客家文化被邊緣化!


 We, Hakka Young Generation, are concerned about the development status of Hakka culture. Upon hearing that the opposition parties in the Legislative Yuan have proposed cutting the Hakka Affairs Council's media, arts, and cultural promotion budgets, we cannot help but ask: "Why is it always the Hakka people who are forced to sacrifice their rights and status?"

 We demand that the Legislative Yuan withdraw the proposal to cut the Hakka Affairs Council's budget to ensure that Hakka culture continues to have a voice on major media platforms.

 These budgets represent more than just the Hakka Affairs Council's expenditures; they are the opportunities for the Hakka community to have a voice in Taiwanese society. They are the bridge for the transmission of our mother tongue and a way for younger generations to understand their own culture. They allow the Hakka language to be heard on television, radio, and the internet, and they allow Hakka events to be seen by more people. Hakka cultural resources and talents are treasures that should not be stifled but cherished and supported! The cuts to these budgets are not only a loss of political representation but also a further marginalization of Hakka culture in the public sphere!

 We call on everyone to recognize that this is not just a budgetary issue but a generational one, too!

 The Hakka people have always been in a relatively disadvantaged position in Taiwan. Over the past few decades, the previous generations have fought countless battles to reclaim our mother tongue, and it is only through their efforts that the Hakka language has gradually returned to the public sphere. But now, we are seeing massive cuts to the budget, so the Hakka voice will disappear from the media. Isn't this the beginning of the loss of our mother tongue and the decline of our culture?

 Hakka culture should not be humble; it should be our identity which has nourished us since childhood. We will not be absent in defending the rights of Hakka culture, just as our ancestors weren’t.We call on Hakka elders and associations to unite and speak out. We can no longer remain silent, and we cannot allow Hakka culture to be marginalized any longer!

♡special thanks to my Taipei family member, Frankie♡

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