November 25

閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
【作者】Eileen Caddy
There is no need for suffering in the New Age. For those souls who are moving into the new, suffering is no more. If you still feel that suffering is necessary, you are not of the new, but are firmly stuck in the old. There you will remain, drawing suffering to yourself until of your own free will you move on and accept that it is no more. Concentrate on the wonders and joys of this life, and accept the very best which is your true heritage. It is not being an ostrich, afraid of life and not facing it. It is seeing the reality of this glorious life which is yours and, in doing so, helping to bring it about. The more clearly you can see it, the more quickly will it come about. Accept the vision of the new heaven and new earth, and hold it ever in your consciousness, for it is no unattainable dream. It is reality, and you are part of it.
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