
2021/05/22閱讀時間約 3 分鐘
5月23日,No. 143,近義詞:開始
一直很喜歡英文中的畢業典禮稱作 Commencement,直譯回中文就變成「開始典禮」 ,剛剛查了一下是北美1850年開始的用法,不過最早可以回朔至14世紀,意指「授與學位後開始碩士與博士生涯的使命(privilege)」。
BEGIN, COMMENCE, START, INITIATE, INAUGURATE, USHER IN mean to take the first step in a course, process, or operation.
BEGIN, START, and COMMENCE are often interchangeable.
#BEGIN, opposed to end, is the most general. begin a trip began dancing
#START, opposed to stop, applies especially to first actions, steps, or stages. the work started slowly
#COMMENCE can be more formal or bookish than BEGIN or START. commence firing; commenced a conversation
#INITIATE implies taking a first step in a process or series that is to continue. initiated diplomatic contacts
#INAUGURATE suggests a beginning of some formality or notion of significance. the discovery of penicillin inaugurated a new era in medicine
#USHER IN is somewhat less weighty than INAUGURATE. ushered in a period of economic decline
#dailymrps #mrps20210523 #每日猜招 #vocabulary #synonym #weeklysynonym #近義詞 #start #begin #commence #initiate #inaugurate #usherin #英文學習 #認知語言學
Mr PS 猜招先生
Mr PS 猜招先生
這裡是我落實「生產是一個人最高貴的行為」的地方。 Mr. PS (Problem-Solving) 猜招先生,以十八般武藝的玩耍與雜耍,陪你猜人生怎麼出招,見招拆招。