060421 Tone& 調

2021/06/05閱讀時間約 2 分鐘
Color, in painting.
Style, in writing.
Pitch, in singing.
Tone, in behaving.
Construct I, with TONE mine.

News, news, full in the air.
Renew the mind set,
With ?old knowledge, which we’ve learned from the elementary school and the junior high school, especially about the science,
Shall we?
Think about it, do think about it.
Then, enjoy it!

Bodies of the parents and the aged,
Work much longer years than ours, so basically less functional, naturally.
If they need you to give them a hand,
For fulfilling their request in living.
Pls. take this support request, as the very priority,
Clearly it takes very short the time, to get it done, with our hands.
Amazingly happy, they would feel. Trust me.
Ps. Same situation for our bodies themselves, pls. take good care of them, particularly about the basic demand. Essentially Yours, ~ Love365**

耳聞了, 種種消息, 來自四面八方;
生命這, 美好作品, 主筆者是自己.
學過的, 基礎科學, 抽空複習複習;
真確的, 理論原理, 再次溫習溫習.

沉穩地, 思維辨別, 架構中心思想;
依循著. 堅毅自己, 充實生存意義.

敬愛的, 父母長輩, 生活育樂需求,
其實小事一樁; 卻能讓他們好快樂.
身體的, 基本需求, 請好好地傾聽;
這夥伴, 日以繼夜, 為我們工作著.
    Share what I got, from the NATURE. ~ 隨遇而拍, 順心飛翔, 提筆如意. Ps. Movies I Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtmDGNyd1s9YWm_PPF7jrYXZZQI6mhFwh