I add sunshine while making a cake. 我在做蛋糕時加入了陽光。
May you have a happy day. 希望你有快樂的一天。
I apply a breeze while spreading butter on the toasts. 在土司上塗奶油時,也塗抺了微風。
Let yourself cool down without any costs. 讓你毋需多花費,也能自己冷靜下來。
I put blessing into the dish. 我把祝福加進菜裡。
Iknow you have lots of difficult assignments to be accomplished. 我知道你有計多困難功課待完成。
I love cooking, and I love you. 我愛烹飪,我也愛你。
Do you love me too? 你也愛我嗎?