
2022/01/19閱讀時間約 21 分鐘





  正如前篇中國的皇朝(一)—黑暗皇朝の肇始所記述,中國歷史在先秦後是直到了明朝統治期間,才重新對皇朝的獻祭制度進行了研究調查,在大約西元 1369 年,皇帝(明太祖)任命了兩個由許多歷史學家組成的團體,深入研究現存的古代記錄,以確定中國先秦之前原始的祭天儀式為何。他們發現了當初由道教新垣平事件引發的滔天謬誤和偏離了夏、商、周(西元前 2205-255 )最早先的三個朝代的原始獻祭儀式。於是,他們廢除了這些做法,再次回到周朝的禮儀,亦即皇帝敬拜獨一的天上統治者,上帝。所以中國的原始宗教終歸是單一真神的,崇拜天上的創造者和那又真又活的上帝,祂的仁慈的祝福是由皇帝作為大祭司和由珍貴的已故祖先為中保所祈求的。於是,明朝第三位皇帝明成祖永樂十八年(西元 1420 年)始建「天壇」以作為皇帝祭天的崇隆場所,其最初係係施行天地合祀,叫做「天地壇」。明朝第十一位皇帝明世宗嘉靖九年(西元 1530 年)實行四郊分祀制度後, 在北郊覓地另建地壇,原「天地壇」則專事祭天、祈谷和祈雨,並正式改名為「天壇」;清朝時基本上沿襲明制,並曾在乾隆年間對「天壇」進行過大規模修建及擴建(按:「郊社之禮分別祭祀天地)。(參1:北京天壇全貌重現全景;2:北京天壇的祈年殿及祈穀(谷)壇)


圖3:《大明會典》重修訂版本(明萬曆刊本)(Source: 文海出版社)
  以下整理詳細十一首中國帝王祭典之儀式曲名、文言內容、白話文翻譯,及英文原著記述內容(《The Discovery of Genesis》Study notes & References之原著參考著述英文翻譯文)。

1. 迎帝神 (中和之曲)

文言:「于昔洪荒之初兮,混蒙。五行未運兮,兩曜未明。其中挺立兮,有無容聲, 神皇出禦兮,始判濁清,立天立地人兮,群物生生。
白話:在遠古洪荒之初時,宇宙混混沌沌,無形和黑暗。那時候木火土金水五行尚未運轉,日月也尚未發出光芒。在這既無形又無聲,幽清寂寥太虛之中, 神皇上帝令出就分出了黑暗與光明。創造了天、創造了地、創造了人,天地萬物從此生生不息。
英文原記述:To greet the approach of the Spirit of Shang-Te.
Of old in the beginning, there was great chaos, without form and dark. The five elements had not begun to revolve, nor the sun and the moon to shine. In the midst thereof there existed neither form nor sound. Thou, O spiritual Sovereign, earnest forth in Thy presidency, and first didst divide the grosser parts from the purer. Thou madest heaven; Thou madest earth; Thou madest man. All things with their reproducing power, got their being.

2. 升冊表(元和之曲)

文言:「帝辟陰陽兮,造化張。 神生七政兮,精華光。圓覆方載兮,兆物康。臣敢只報兮,拜薦帝曰皇。
英文原記述:On presenting the notice (recording the change of the title).
O Te, when Thou hadst separated the Yin and the Yang (i. e. the heavens and the earth), Thy creating work proceeded. Thou didst produce, O Spirit, the sun and the moon and the five planets, and pure and beautiful was their light. The vault of heaven was spread out like a curtain, and the square earth supported all of it, and all things were happy. I, Thy servant, venture reverently to thank Thee, and, while I worship, present the notice to Thee, O Te, calling Thee Sovereign.

3.奠玉帛 (休和之曲)

英文原記述:On presenting gems and silks.
Thou hast vouchsafed, O Te, to hear us, for Thou regardest us as a Father. I, Thy child, dull and unenlightened, am unable to show forth my dutiful feelings. I thank Thee, that Thou hast accepted the intimation. Honourable is Thy great name. With reverence we spread out these gems and silks, and, as swallows rejoicing in the spring, praise Thine abundant love.

4.進俎 (豫和之曲)

文言:「大筵弘開,歡聲如雷。皇神賜享,臣衷涓埃(註:ㄐㄩㄢ ㄞ,比喻微末、微小)。大鼎炮烹,肴饈馨裁。帝歆兮,兆民之福,臣感恩兮,何如幸哉。
白話:盛大的宴席已擺出,我們的歡愉之聲就如雷鳴。統治神靈恩賜享受我們的奉獻,我的內心感覺就像一粒砂塵。這些肉都已在大鼎煮熟,馨香之氣味亦已備好。請上帝享受這供奉,然後賜福給萬萬民。 我這領受祢恩惠的僕人,何其幸得蒙福。(註:進俎 (ㄗㄨˇ,獻祭器物))
英文原記述:On presenting the vessels with offerings of food.
The great feast has been set forth, and the sound of our joy is like thunder. The Sovereign Spirit vouchsafes to enjoy our offering, and my heart feels within me like a particle of dust. The meat has been boiled in the large cauldrons, and the fragrant provisions have been prepared. Enjoy the offering, O Te, then shall all the people have happiness. I, Thy servant, receiving Thy favours, am blessed indeed.

5.初獻 (壽和之曲)

文言:「大高降恩鑒,微情何以承。臣愚端拜捧瑤觥(註:ㄧㄠˊ ㄍㄨㄥ,古代珍貴酒器),堅壽無極並。
英文原記述:On first offering wine.
The great and lofty One vouchsafes His favour and regard; all unworthy are we to receive it. I, His simple servant, while I worship, hold this precious cup, and praise Him, whose years have no end.


白話:當主如此命令時,祂呼召天、地和人便存在。在天地之間祂分別創造人和萬物,都被天空覆蓋。我是祂微小不配的僕人,乞求祂的恩惠命令,啟發我這小臣 — 讓我可以永遠與天上的主同在。
英文原記述:On offering thanks.
When Te, the Lord, had so decreed, He called into existence heaven, earth, and man. Between (heaven and earth) He separately disposed of men and things, all overspread by the heavens. I, His unworthy servant, beg His (favouring) decree, to enlighten me His minister — so may I forever appear before Him in the empyrean.

7.亞獻 (太和之曲)

英文原記述:At the second offering of wine.
All the numerous tribes of animated beings are indebted to Thy favour for their beginning. Men and things are all emparadised in Thy love, O Te. All living things are indebted to Thy goodness, but who knows from whom his blessings come to him. It is thou alone, O Lord, who art the true parent of all things.

8.終獻 (永和之曲)

白話:珍貴盛宴淋漓展現,玉石般長椅排列,珍珠般美酒呈現 — 隨著音樂和舞蹈。和諧的聖靈凝集;人和萬物歡愉。祂的僕人的心中仍感惶惶不安,深怕無能表達自己應盡的所有義務。
英文原記述:At the last offering of wine.
The precious feast is widely displayed; the gemmeus benches are arranged; the pearly wine is presented — with music and dances. The spirit of harmony is collected; men and creatures are happy. The breast of His servant is troubled, that he is unable to express his obligations.

9.撤饌 (咸和之曲)

英文原記述:At the removal of the offerings.
The service of the song is completed, but our poor sincerity cannot be expressed. Thy sovereign goodness is infinite. As a potter, hast Thou made all living things. Great and small are sheltered (by Thy love). As engraven on the heart of Thy poor servant, is the sense of Thy goodness, so that my feeling cannot be fully displayed. With great kindness Thou dost bear with us, and, notwithstanding our demerits, dost grant us life and prosperity.


英文原記述:To escort the Spirit of Shang-Te.
With reverent ceremonies the record has been presented, and Thou, 0 Sovereign Spirit, has deigned to accept our service. The dances have all been performed, and nine times the music has resounded. Grant, O Te, Thy great blessing to increase the happiness of my house. The instruments of metal and precious stones have given out their melody. The jeweled girdles of the officers have emitted their tinklings. Spirits and men rejoice together, praising Te, the Lord. While we celebrate His great name, what limit can there be, or what measure? For ever He setteth fast the high heavens, and established the solid earth. His government is everlasting. His unworthy servant, I bow my head, I lay it in the dust, bathed in his grace and glory.

11.奉燎 (熙和之曲)

英文原記述:At the burning of the offerings.
We have worshiped and written the Great Name on this gem-like sheet. Now we display it before Te, and place it in the fire. These valuable offerings of silks and fine meats we burn also, with these sincere prayers, which they may ascend in volumes of flames up to the distant azure. All the ends of the earth look up to Him. All human beings, all things on the earth, rejoice together in the Great Name.


  民國 3 年(西元 1915 年 12 月)中華民族最後一個在北京天壇祭天的「中華帝國」皇帝中華民國首任臨時大總統的袁世凱。(參中國的皇朝(三)—上帝在中國歷史の地位(專題系列 9)之影片11915年袁世凱天壇祭天大典珍貴影像)
