《Compassion》The sorrow of trees - a message from nature

2023/11/12閱讀時間約 1 分鐘

Last night, I passed by a group of trees, and suddenly felt a strong feeling of sadness.

I was shocked of the strong energy of sorrow.

Then I found the steel wires on trees.

“How could humans do these on you?” — I whispered in my mind.


“Are you feeling sad any uncomfortable with these steel wires?” — I asked.

“ — “

Without response, but I felt a deep connection of sorrow.

Just for a label

Just for a label

Then I said to them: 

“You are good, you are awesome.

You live for yourselves, not for humans.

Human should appreciate you, not own you.”

Labels, guiding ribbons, …

Do humans have the right to have these chain on other spirits?

Do humans have the right on other spirits?

Why do humans have the right on other spirits?

I don't know, but I trust that human have a choice.




「人們失憶著相聚,等待靈魂超越認知的相認。」 我們都在關係裡看到了些什麼,例如愛; 我們都在關係裡失去了些什麼,例如自己; 我們都在關係裡學會了些什麼,例如界限; 我們都在關係裡找到了些什麼,例如自己。 . 當我們走過彼此,你想交換什麼禮物與祝福?