Could this be any more heartbreaking(1)

閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

Given the sudden death of the important figure in the Friends, Matthew Perry, I felt devastated and so much sorrow I could not express adequately. He plays Chandler in the Friends, and what do I know about him? What heartbroken feeling I respond to should be to his disappearance, is this he Chandler or Matthew Perry? or the no-longer-6 of Friends in the universe?

Thus, I start to read his book.

Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing

here are some tips and points I have noticed.

  1. I think the character "Chandler" is born to be him. Maybe that is because the editor chatted with Matthew, and planted some genuine personality from him to Chandler and making both him seem inseparable.
  2. Well, of course, we can tell the difference that Chandler is clean and Matthew is not.
  3. Matthew has been left lonely since childhood. His parents got divorced, and he used to be traveling "alone" to visit the father in US, and get back to Canada with grandparents in Canada. His parents at some time got married to the other individuals and had another "family" which he thinks none of the new family are the one he should "belong" to. He acclaimed that there is a hole in him.
  4. Addiction is something you cannot start, and cannot stop once you started.
  5. His honesty shows the world of darkness and also brightness. He encourages people not to give up, and there will be miracle by seeing him clean finally.
  6. Education and environment for children are so important. And children at certain situation could go wrong by any stuff that attracts them to forget what they had been bothered. And how wrongful it could go is beyond imagination. In any kind.
  7. Huge amount of paragraphs, and chapters describing issues about drugs, drinks and smokes. Reality is so cruel, that it only takes few pages saying how he finally got clean, and how he sees the brightness of life without those terrible things. (People with no enough patience won't be able to finish reading and thought he's just being in cycle of quitting, get addicted and quitting, and it is unfortunately true.)

I have few further topic regarding to 1 and 3. but, i'll leave it later to furtherize.

to be continued...

    藍色狗狗的沙龍 的其他內容
    上個月與朋友參加了斯巴達障礙賽事, 本著追尋極限體能與刺激的心情報名, 也在時間快到前盡量找機會訓練, 朋友與我一同出發在賽道, 各種障礙與困難一起想辦法通過或者混過去或者一個過一個處罰burpee跳, 最後三關過泥水, 直接將都市人心中最後一塊白布給淹黑了, 值得慶幸的是我預先準備了防水即可拍相機
    週四的6點下班去FP自主練習, 已經看到三組教練x學員在使用pulley, 剩下一個王位, 靠廁所面對大面鏡的右邊, 置物碰到Andy來上廁所, 問他要上課嗎他說要阿, 好喔那就變4組了, 好心想讓王位給Andy組, 他說不用, 那我就不客氣了喔, 然後後來變成五組, 後來追加了彥霖那一組, 全滿!
    When it comes, it drops on the water, maybe a lake, in mind, it ripples and passes the chemical through nerves, effects the forms like energy, spirit
    各式各樣的落幕, 能不能帶來新的希望與可能性呢? 一間暗房的改制, 一段關係的變質, 一個象徵美好的人生的殞落, 看看前, 看看後, 情緒在各種外在事物的影響下堆疊累積, 五味雜陳, 是不是另一面有別的新生? 新生訓練的時候, 由經驗豐富者帶領新生認識新環境, 讓新生熟悉並且感到自在的過程,
    I have a lot of interests mainly because I am open to many things. This is not just a general idea, to be open to many things is very important. The w
    因為剛來到方格星球, 沒有拜見大老, 又, 或者說是我早就來此星球了, 可是荒廢沒做為, 直到許赫赫的斯巴達貼文讓我想回她或讚她, 才發現我是星球人之一 然後藍色狗狗簽證不知在哪個環節有問題出錯, 沒有寫作權限, 向方格大老報告, 兩天後, 藍色狗狗就落地了 藍色狗狗有一個來由, 要從某一個求學
    上個月與朋友參加了斯巴達障礙賽事, 本著追尋極限體能與刺激的心情報名, 也在時間快到前盡量找機會訓練, 朋友與我一同出發在賽道, 各種障礙與困難一起想辦法通過或者混過去或者一個過一個處罰burpee跳, 最後三關過泥水, 直接將都市人心中最後一塊白布給淹黑了, 值得慶幸的是我預先準備了防水即可拍相機
    週四的6點下班去FP自主練習, 已經看到三組教練x學員在使用pulley, 剩下一個王位, 靠廁所面對大面鏡的右邊, 置物碰到Andy來上廁所, 問他要上課嗎他說要阿, 好喔那就變4組了, 好心想讓王位給Andy組, 他說不用, 那我就不客氣了喔, 然後後來變成五組, 後來追加了彥霖那一組, 全滿!
    When it comes, it drops on the water, maybe a lake, in mind, it ripples and passes the chemical through nerves, effects the forms like energy, spirit
    各式各樣的落幕, 能不能帶來新的希望與可能性呢? 一間暗房的改制, 一段關係的變質, 一個象徵美好的人生的殞落, 看看前, 看看後, 情緒在各種外在事物的影響下堆疊累積, 五味雜陳, 是不是另一面有別的新生? 新生訓練的時候, 由經驗豐富者帶領新生認識新環境, 讓新生熟悉並且感到自在的過程,
    I have a lot of interests mainly because I am open to many things. This is not just a general idea, to be open to many things is very important. The w
    因為剛來到方格星球, 沒有拜見大老, 又, 或者說是我早就來此星球了, 可是荒廢沒做為, 直到許赫赫的斯巴達貼文讓我想回她或讚她, 才發現我是星球人之一 然後藍色狗狗簽證不知在哪個環節有問題出錯, 沒有寫作權限, 向方格大老報告, 兩天後, 藍色狗狗就落地了 藍色狗狗有一個來由, 要從某一個求學
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