Many of us go to work feeling tired. It may be because we are simply not “morning people” (people who like and is at their best in the morning). Other times, it is because we did not get a “good night’s sleep” (sleep well during the night).
Sleeping at work in the U.S. has traditionally been “taboo” (socially unacceptable). However, that’s changing in the American workplace. In a 2008 report, “one-third” (about 33%) of the people surveyed said that their workplace allowed “naps” (short periods of sleep during the day).
Scientists who study sleep say that people who take naps, especially if they didn’t have enough sleep the night before, are more “alert” (quick to notice and respond to situations), more “creative” (able to think of new ideas and use their imagination), and have better “memory” (able to remember things better).
Napping may be good for your health, too. In one study, researchers found that taking naps at least three days per week helped reduce the chance of dying from “coronary” (heart) problems.
The experts say that the “ideal” (best; most suitable) length of a nap is 20 minutes. Sleeping more than 30 minutes puts you in a deeper sleep and you will wake up “groggy” (weak and tired) and not “refreshed” (with new strength and energy).
Some large companies are “taking note” (paying attention). They have “designated” (assigned for a special purpose) sleep areas in their buildings.