Mach 10 是指物體以音速的 10 倍移動的速度,其數值取決於所處環境中的音速,特別是空氣密度和溫度。 音速在標準大氣條件下(海平面,溫度約 15°C)約為 343 m/s。 因此,Mach 10 大致可以換算如下:
在海平面 速度:Mach 10 = 343 m/s × 10 = 3430 m/s(約 12348 km/h 或 7680 mph)在高空(較稀薄的大氣層,例如 11 公里處,音速約為 295 m/s)
速度:Mach 10 = 295 m/s × 10 = 2950 m/s(約 10620 km/h 或 6599 mph)
Mach 10 屬於超高速,通常用於描述高超音速飛行器或飛彈的速度,例如一些先進的戰鬥機、太空飛行器進入大氣層時的速度等。
音速是指聲波在某種介質中傳播的速度,通常取決於介質的性質(密度和彈性)以及溫度。 在空氣中,音速與氣溫有密切關係,氣溫越高,音速越快。
音速 可用以下公式計算:
c = \sqrt{\gamma \cdot R \cdot T}
: 空氣的氣體常數,約 287 J/(kg·K)
: 絕對溫度(以開爾文 K 為單位,T = 攝氏溫度 + 273.15)
1. 海平面標準溫度(15°C 或 288.15 K)
音速約 343 m/s(約 1235 km/h 或 767 mph)。
2. 高空條件
在高空(如 11 公里,氣溫約 -56°C),音速較慢,為 約 295 m/s(1062 km/h)。
3. 水中
音速在水中約為 1500 m/s,比空氣中快得多。
4. 固體中
在固體中(如鋼鐵),音速更快,可達到 5000-6000 m/s。
音速是飛行器設計中衡量速度的重要參考標準,例如亞音速、超音速、高超音速等都以 Mach 數(物體速度與音速之比)描述。
在 YouTube 上觀看「Putin's Grave Warning To West As Russia Fires Hypersonic 'Oreshnik' Missile At Ukraine's Dnipro」
在 YouTube 上觀看「Oreshnik Russia New Hypersonic Missile」
RT breaks down everything known about the new medium-range hypersonic weaponRT 解析了有關新型中程高超音速武器的所有訊息Russia’s newly unveiled Oreshnik missile has quickly become the focus of major international attention. Announced by President Vladimir Putin on Thursday, this medium-range hypersonic weapon is seen as a significant advancement in the country’s missile capabilities. One that could have far-reaching consequences for both the Ukraine conflict and broader international security. 俄羅斯新推出的「奧列什尼克」飛彈迅速成為國際社會關注的焦點。普丁總統週四宣布,這種中程高超音速武器被視為該國飛彈能力的重大進步。這可能對烏克蘭衝突和更廣泛的國際安全產生深遠的影響。With its apparently unmatched speed and precision, and the prospect of mass production on the immediate horizon, this missile could be a game-changer for Moscow’s military operation. 憑藉其明顯無與倫比的速度和精度,以及近期大規模生產的前景,這種飛彈可能會改變莫斯科軍事行動的遊戲規則。Here’s what we know so far about the Oreshnik and its potential impact.以下是迄今為止我們對奧列什尼克及其潛在影響的了解。A new weapon, not an upgrade新武器,而非升級Contrary to some claims, the Oreshnik is not an upgrade of Soviet-era missile systems, according to Putin. Instead, it is a completely new development built on modern Russian technology. The president emphasized that the missile represents the culmination of efforts within “New Russia,” referring to developments after the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991. “It was created on the basis of modern, latest developments,” he stated.普丁表示,與一些說法相反,「奧列什尼克」並不是蘇聯時代飛彈系統的升級版。相反,它是基於現代俄羅斯技術的全新開發成果。總統強調,該飛彈代表了「新俄羅斯」內部努力的頂峰,指的是 1991 年蘇聯解體後的發展。Hypersonic capabilities and precision高超音速能力和精度The Oreshnik missile is described as a high-precision, medium-range weapon, with hypersonic speed. Putin clarified that while it is not considered a “strategic” weapon, its capabilities are still formidable. “Due to its striking power, especially with massive, collective use, and even in combination with other high-precision long-range systems, the use of Oreshnik will be comparable in power to strategic weapons,” he said.奧列什尼克飛彈被描述為一種高精度、中程武器,具有高超音速。普丁澄清說,雖然它不被視為「戰略」武器,但其能力仍然強大。他說:“由於其打擊威力,特別是大規模、集體使用,甚至與其他高精度遠程系統結合使用,‘奧列什尼克’的使用威力將與戰略武器相當。”
This missile is designed to fly at speeds of up to Mach 10 (around 7,600 miles/12,200km per hour), which is roughly ten times the speed of sound. The high velocity makes it extremely difficult to intercept using current missile defense systems. “There are no means of counteracting Oreshnik-type complexes in the world,” Putin asserted, explaining that Western missile defense systems, including those deployed in Western Europe, cannot intercept such fast-moving projectiles.這種飛彈的設計飛行速度高達 10 馬赫(約每小時 7,600 英里/12,200 公里),大約是音速的十倍。高速度使得目前的飛彈防禦系統極難攔截。 普丁斷言:「世界上沒有辦法對抗奧列什尼克型綜合體。」他解釋說,西方飛彈防禦系統,包括部署在西歐的飛彈防禦系統,無法攔截這種快速移動的彈體。First combat use and response to Ukraine首次實戰使用及對烏克蘭的反應The Oreshnik missile was first used in combat on November 21, 2024, when it struck a Ukrainian defense facility in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. The target was the Yuzhmash industrial complex, a key Ukrainian defense site inherited from the USSR that produces missile equipment. Putin justified the strike as a response to Kiev’s use of long-range missiles, like the American ATACMS and British Storm Shadow systems, against Russian territory. “The regional conflict in Ukraine has acquired elements of a global character,” Putin said, highlighting the broader implications of Western involvement.奧列什尼克飛彈於 2024 年 11 月 21 日首次投入戰鬥,當時它襲擊了第聶伯羅彼得羅夫斯克市的烏克蘭防禦設施。目標是南方機械工業複合體,這是從蘇聯繼承的烏克蘭重要防禦基地,生產飛彈設備。普丁稱這次攻擊是對基輔對俄羅斯領土使用遠程飛彈(例如美國的反坦克飛彈系統和英國的風暴之影系統)的回應。 普丁表示,“烏克蘭的地區衝突已具有全球性”,並強調了西方參與的更廣泛影響。Mass production and deployment 量產部署 Following the successful test and first use of the new weapon, Russia has committed to mass-producing the system. “Serial production of Oreshnik is practically organized,” Putin confirmed, with the missiles slated for inclusion in Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces (RSVS). This suggests that they will become a key part of Russia’s long-term military strategy, with the potential for widespread deployment in the coming months.在成功測試並首次使用這種新武器後,俄羅斯已承諾大規模生產該系統。普丁證實:「『奧列什尼克』的大量生產實際上已經組織起來。」該飛彈計畫納入俄羅斯戰略飛彈部隊(RSVS)。這表明它們將成為俄羅斯長期軍事戰略的關鍵組成部分,並有可能在未來幾個月內廣泛部署。
Putin noted that the missile’s development process was swift and efficient, with domestic technologies ensuring that Moscow has “resolved import substitution issues.” This suggests that Russia has managed to develop the Oreshnik entirely with its own resources, minimizing reliance on foreign components.普丁指出,該飛彈的開發過程迅速而高效,國內技術確保莫斯科「解決了進口替代問題」。 這表明俄羅斯完全利用自己的資源成功開發了“奧列什尼克”,最大限度地減少了對外國零件的依賴。Global impact and strategic significance全球影響力和戰略意義The Oreshnik missile has the potential to change the dynamics of the Ukraine conflict. According to General Sergei Karakayev, the head of Russia’s Strategic Missile Forces, the Oreshnik “can hit targets throughout Europe.” This makes the missile not only a powerful weapon in the context of Ukraine but also one that could have wider geopolitical implications if tensions escalate further.奧列什尼克飛彈有可能改變烏克蘭衝突的動態。俄羅斯戰略飛彈部隊司令謝爾蓋·卡拉卡耶夫將軍表示,「奧列什尼克」飛彈「可以擊中整個歐洲的目標」。這使得該飛彈不僅成為烏克蘭境內的一種強大武器,而且如果緊張局勢進一步升級,它也可能產生更廣泛的地緣政治影響。
While Russia has not explicitly described the missile as a weapon of mass destruction, its precision and destructive power mean that it could be used to target critical infrastructure in enemy states. In Putin’s view, it provides Russia with a technological advantage that currently cannot be matched by any other country.雖然俄羅斯沒有明確將這種飛彈描述為大規模殺傷性武器,但其精確度和破壞力意味著它可以用來瞄準敵國的關鍵基礎設施。在普丁看來,它為俄羅斯提供了目前其他國家都無法比擬的技術優勢。International reactions and future developments國際反應與未來發展The Oreshnik missile has raised alarms in the West. The use of this new weapon, combined with the conflict in Ukraine, has spurred calls to strengthen air defenses. Ukrainian officials have already approached the US to discuss receiving advanced systems, which could include modernized Patriots or even Aegis missile defense platforms. However, there is no evidence to suggest they would be effective against the Oreshnik.奧列什尼克飛彈在西方敲響了警鐘。這種新武器的使用,加上烏克蘭衝突,引發了加強防空的呼聲。烏克蘭官員已經與美國接洽,討論接收先進系統,其中可能包括現代化的愛國者甚至宙斯盾飛彈防禦平台。然而,沒有證據表明它們對奧列什尼克人有效。