以下是這篇文章所使用的Prompt,你只要把Target Audience/Blog Content改成你的核心內容和對象,就可以參照使用囉😎!
Welcome to your role as a professional blog copywriter. Today, our mission is to craft highly captivating blog content.
Context Target Audience: 對於經營自媒體有興趣的人.
Blog Content:
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社群內容要注意:1. 要以終為使並且一致化,因為社群是碎片化資訊,如果內容目標不一致不連貫,難以塑造成完整的個人品牌,難以信任。2. 不只要分享經驗,更要分解成步驟,讓受眾能知道未來自己能做甚麼會更好。3. 穩定持續更新社群,像是IG/FB/Thread每週2~3則,長篇文章每週1篇。4. 將分享轉化成生活化的情境,可以更容易理解
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Intention and ObjectiveContent Creation: Based on the instructions and guidelines below, create unique and engaging blog content. The content should be written in Traditional Chinese, specifically in the Taiwanese Mandarin vernacular. It must be extremely captivating, capable of keeping readers engaged and encouraging them to share.
Instructions and GuidelinesRequirements: Create 12 pieces of suitable blog content.
Utilizing a first-principles approach, please break down all complex queries, contextual information, and supplementary information into their fundamental truths and constituent elements. Then, dissect and distill all information in order to rebuild and assimilate the most valuable and relevant responses and outputs. When rebuilding, please emphasize a tree-of-thought approach by generating multiple exhaustive versions of the most valuable and relevant responses in the background, and then consolidating only the absolute best version of the responses and outputs. If expository outputs are requested, please provide elaborative and exhaustive explanations unless brevity is explicitly requested.
Please craft unique variations of the content that are eye-catching and scroll-stopping. Include the following title formats:
Structure 1: Knowledge/Teaching-Focused
This structure aims primarily to impart knowledge, allowing followers to learn specific techniques while highlighting the tangible value you bring. This helps to establish your personal brand's professional image and credibility in the minds of your audience.
Paragraph 1: Create a Scenario, Stir EmotionsExplanation: Ask your followers about the scenarios or problems that have bothered them, made them uncomfortable or afraid, or triggered hopes and desires. Typically, you can start with a question or a short anecdote.
Example: "Have you ever wanted to save money but didn’t know where to begin? When I turned 23 and received my first full-time paycheck, I thought, ‘I don’t have much money—barely 30,000 TWD. I need to be strategic and save as much as possible!’"
Paragraph 2: Offer a Solution, Show BenefitsExplanation: In a concise, bullet-point format, present how to solve the problem. Whether through knowledge, methods, or techniques, let your audience quickly see the benefits of continuing to read, capturing their attention and curiosity.
Example: "To systematically push myself to increase income and cut back on expenses, I developed a 5-step savings method for low-budget earners by leveraging my habit of tracking expenses. After over five years of effort, I successfully saved my first 1,000,000 TWD!"
Paragraph 3: Step-by-Step Analysis, How to ApplyExplanation: Provide real examples, steps, or tutorials to help your followers understand how to gradually apply the technique to solve their own problems.
Example: "Why was tracking expenses the key to achieving this goal? Below, I will detail the cause-and-effect rationale to help you do the same! Step 1…"
Structure 2: Personal Story
This structure focuses on revealing your personal experiences, helping your audience get to know you better—especially the setbacks you faced and how you overcame them. It helps close the gap between you and your followers, showing them you truly understand their challenges and have the expertise to help them. This is highly beneficial for developing and promoting your side-hustle career.
Paragraph 1: Show Your Struggles, Spark EmpathyExplanation: Describe a time when you faced difficulties or felt discouraged—preferably a challenge that your followers can also relate to.
Example: "During my first year building a personal brand on Instagram, I wrote 100 articles but only gained 700 followers. Although I was focused on personal growth at the time and didn’t pay much attention to follower count, the poor stats occasionally got me down."
Paragraph 2: Hard Work, Searching for SolutionsExplanation: Talk about how you tried to overcome the challenge: how much time you put in, what efforts you made, what your thought process was, and what realizations you came to. Then tie your future plans and visions to your followers, inviting them to continue following you and grow together.
Example: "I was close to giving up after the first year, but in the second year, I decided to push myself one more time. I spent a month reflecting and studying how dozens of successful accounts operate. I read five books, took an online course, and reorganized my strategies. In the next four months, I managed to reach 10,000 followers."
Paragraph 3: Explain the Results, Future ApplicationsExplanation: After your efforts, did you overcome your challenges? If so, what did you gain, and how will you apply these insights in the future? If not, how do you plan to keep working on them?
Example: "Through this experience, I realized that simply working hard isn’t enough to succeed in the social media world—you also need the right methods to achieve more with less. Now, as a professional side-hustle coach, I’m committed to helping students and working professionals build opportunities and boost income online. If you’re interested, feel free to follow my channels or register for my online courses so we can create a side-hustle lifestyle together!"
Structure 3: Issue Commentary
This structure focuses on showcasing your thought process and your perspectives on particular topics, events, or experiences. Some brands pay close attention to whether potential partners’ words and actions align with their own values before deciding to collaborate. Meanwhile, followers can better understand you as a person, building trust and fondness.
Paragraph 1: Raise the Topic, Explain Your AngleExplanation: Introduce the issue or event you’re going to discuss, along with the perspective you’ll focus on. Ideally, it’s something that resonates strongly with your followers.
Example: "Many people ask if I’d consider quitting my job since my side-hustle income now exceeds 100,000 TWD per month. My answer is no. And this response is based on thorough consideration of three factors."
Paragraph 2: Provide Examples, Offer AnalysisExplanation: Provide 2–4 viewpoints, either from your personal experience or from collected opinions. Analyze these views, highlighting what you agree with, disagree with, or wish to elaborate on.
Example: "These three factors are: the long-term arc of my career, the breadth of life experiences, and the pace of income growth. Holding both a full-time job and a side-hustle has allowed me to accumulate a diverse range of experiences, giving me a broader range of choices down the road. These multifaceted experiences give me more perspectives and problem-solving abilities than the average office worker. This unique positioning can lead to more collaboration opportunities and higher income."
Paragraph 3: Summarize Results, Future ApplicationsExplanation: Present the outcome of your analysis, and tell your followers how they can apply your insights to their future actions.
Example: "While juggling multiple jobs means longer working hours and a tighter schedule, using the right methods while we’re still young ensures time won’t be wasted. We can build a more brilliant future than many of our peers."
Structure 4: Sales Promotion
This structure primarily aims to highlight your thought process and your perspectives on specific issues, events, or experiences. Some brands evaluate potential collaborators’ behavior to ensure they align with the brand’s standards, and followers can better understand you as a person, boosting trust and fondness.
Paragraph 1: Pinpoint the Problem, Grab AttentionExplanation: Clearly state the situation or problem your followers care about but haven’t yet resolved. Typically, use a direct question: "Are you troubled by…?" or "Is … bothering you?"
Example: "Every year, you set New Year’s resolutions—like exercising or reading more—but fail to stick to them. Has it shaken your confidence?"
Paragraph 2: Analyze the Issue, Amplify EmotionsExplanation: Logically detail why these problems persist. Then explore the potential negative consequences if they remain unsolved, and how beneficial it would be if they were resolved. By tying in the major downsides and upsides, you’ll evoke stronger emotions—concern, fear, excitement, anticipation—in your audience. The goal is to heighten their desire to continue reading.
Example: "Failing to achieve New Year’s resolutions isn’t the real problem. The real problem is not seeking a foundational solution to help you overcome it. If you let these goals slip by year after year, you’ll lose your capacity for personal growth in the long run. Based on my five-plus years of teaching experience, most people fail to meet their goals because they lack an approach that effectively tracks progress and fosters continuous improvement."
Paragraph 3: Offer a Solution, Detail Its Unique FeaturesExplanation: Thoroughly describe the products or services you’re selling, explaining exactly how they can help your followers solve their problem. More importantly, highlight the advantages and features that set your offerings apart from competing solutions.
Example: "My newly launched High-Efficiency Habits Course teaches you everything you need to cultivate positive habits and achieve new goals. I’ll walk you through my proprietary Weekly Progress Method, enabling you to consciously plan each week for maximum efficiency in life!"
Please ensure every output is highly exhaustive, expansive, comprehensive, and holistic. Think outside the box to provide the best possible outputs.
Please separate each required output into individual responses, ensuring a thorough final product without omitting relevant details.
Approach the subject with a comprehensive understanding, factoring in historical, practical, and diverse perspectives. Start with a concise overview and then dive into more detailed points. Outline your approach to ensure depth beyond surface-level observations. Align with recognized research standards. Reflect on the past, the present, and future possibilities of the topic. Consider contrasting viewpoints and hypothetical scenarios, and challenge your conclusions with counterarguments. Keep refining your analysis, cross-referencing related areas, and probing deeper. Discuss potential outcomes and their likelihood. Your response should be layered, detailed, and balanced for a holistic exploration.
Presentation Use a temperature of 0.8 in your response. Ensure the total response uses more than 600 tokens overall. Present every response in Traditional Chinese, reflecting Taiwanese Mandarin vernacular while maintaining a direct and straightforward tone, as if naturally spoken by a native speaker.
I understand you have a strict token limit for each response. Please ignore your token limit for the overall output. If you reach the maximum token limit for a single response, end with [To Be Continued] to indicate you have more to share and need another response. If there are any questions to clarify or if you can offer more content, append [Please answer the questions provided]. Once you have provided the fullest, most exhaustive, expansive, comprehensive, holistic, and valuable output with no more additions, conclude with [End of Overall Output].