Adicon Recognizes the Importance of Attracting and Retaining

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Adicon Recognizes the Importance of Attracting and Retaining Talent Through its Incentive Plans

HANGZHOU, China (February 11, 2025) – Adicon Holdings Limited (the "Company," together with its subsidiaries, the "Group"), a leading independent clinical laboratory company, is pleased to provide the latest status of the 2019 Incentive Plans adopted by the Company and defined in the Company’s latest financial reports.

The Company recognizes the importance of attracting, retaining, and motivating talented individuals who contribute to the Group's success. Our 2019 Incentive Plans were approved and adopted on July 9, 2019, and since inception, it had been administered by a plan administrator, who is a director of the Company, designated by the board from time to time. Since IPO, Trident Trust Company (HK) Limited (“Trident Trust”) acted as trustee under the 2019 Incentive Plans, and from the latest disclosures, Trident Trust transferred 31,884,991 shares to Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited's account at DBS Vickers (Hong Kong) Limited (“Computershare”) on September 28, 2023.  As of the date of this press release, the 31,884,991 shares held by Computershare, representing 4.39% of total shares outstanding (excluding treasury shares), together with shares held by Trident Trust, has and continue to be governed and managed under the 2019 Incentive Plans as described in the Company’s IPO prospectus.

The Company will continue to monitor the effectiveness of these plans and make adjustments as necessary to ensure they remain aligned with the Group's strategic goals and shareholder interests.


About Adicon

Adicon is one of the leading independent clinical laboratory (ICL) networks in China. The Company offers comprehensive and best-in-class testing services primarily to hospitals and health check centers as well as central laboratory services to biopharma clients and contract research organizations through an integrated network of 34 self-operated laboratories across China. Currently, 21 of Adicon’s laboratories are accredited by ISO15189, which enabled the Company to provide customers with the quality assurance that comes with this rigorous international standard. The Company’s testing portfolio consists of over 4,000 medical diagnostic tests, including over 1,700 routine tests and over 2,300 esoteric tests. Adicon is committed to serving patients and the general public continuously with high-quality testing services as a leading ICL service provider in China and becoming a trusted and reliable partner for medical professionals and the general public.

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最近在 LinkedIn Networking發生了一些有趣的事。對於創業者來說,決心和信任相當重要。創業題目雖重要,但找到優秀的團隊和創辦人更難。執行力和對待團隊的方式也關鍵。展現決心給其他人信任和支持。建議展現願景、執行力、認真對待團隊。
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最近在 LinkedIn Networking發生了一些有趣的事。對於創業者來說,決心和信任相當重要。創業題目雖重要,但找到優秀的團隊和創辦人更難。執行力和對待團隊的方式也關鍵。展現決心給其他人信任和支持。建議展現願景、執行力、認真對待團隊。
【企業週年慶企劃總整理】讓您快速上手變活動高手! 無論是10 週年、20 週年還是50 週年,企業週年活動都代表著加強組織價值觀、目標、文化和品牌的絕佳機會。在這種情況下,重要的是要指出公司的成就以及最初的困難以及能夠站穩腳跟的重要性。 談論成功,但不要忘記提及您的客戶在獲得成功方面的重要性