更新於 2019/04/10閱讀時間約 15 分鐘

Tenth Diary

5:32 afternoon
  Friend told that my father worked till 4:00 in the morning to me. I reminded myself and meditate with my current state. How should I take responsibility to his effort? Should I keep wasting his money that he earned by sweat and blood to reward his devotion? I felt abundant guilty and braced up my heart that I needed to code hard and practice English effectively from now on. I realized the quotes is recorded, “Actions speak louder than words”. I had to take action instead of nonsense.
  However, how should I do in the beginning? I need to have plan to let everything more effective and viable. I need to control my using electronic merchandise continuous time because it will distract my attention from my affairs in hand. Where is your concentration ability? Can you pay more conscientiousness in yourself seriously?
  Dude, You’re not a girl. You couldn’t always show your feeble personality without cease in order to finish the job on time. Everything needs to have order in list. If you often have problems with paying attention in one thing, you should practice with it solemnly.
  You’re not a kid. You are in charge of your future and your ideal. Success don’t be fallen from sky. Yeah, You can sustain your slovenliness and live spinelessly. Do you want to live like that? I know you’ve the answer; however, Persisting in one thing isn’t a simple issue. Most of the points is will (= purpose, volition).
6:58 night


  1. gratitude n.感恩
  2. 付出 devote, pay, give, come down with, stump up, go to, pay out
  3. Hardly adv. 剛剛,不,幾乎不,艱難地 e.g. He had hardly arrived when it began to snow. e.g. My legs were so weak that I could hardly stand.
  4. 行動 take action, act, operation, actions, deed, doing, get about
  5. Deed n.行動,功業,功績,證書,契據 v.立契出讓 e.g. I’ve the deed to the house. e.g. Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves.
  6. Merchandise v.買賣,推銷,促進銷售,經銷 n.商品,貨物 e.g. If this product is properly merchandised, it should sell very well.
  7. Continuous a.連續的,不斷的 e.g. The brain needs a continuous supply of blood.
  8. 分心 be distracted, stray from, divert one’s attention, distraction
  9. Distract v.轉移,分散,使分心,使轉向,困擾,使錯亂,使苦惱 e.g. The news distracted her. (苦惱) e.g. Don’t distract my attention. e.g. Noise distracted the writer from his work.
  10. In hand 在手頭的,在進行中,被控制住 e.g. I have enough data in hand. e.g. The printing of the book is now in hand. e.g. The situation is now in hand.
  11. 認真 conscientious, earnest, take seriously, mean business e.g. Don’t take her suggestions too seriously; she is just flying a kite.(她不過是在試探一下反應而已) e.g. They take their responsibility seriously.
  12. Earnest a.認真的,誠摯的,熱心的,重要的 n.認真,誠摯 e.g. Mrs. White is earnest about community work. e.g. She is earnest in her work. e.g. Mary is an earnest worker. e.g. I’m not joking; I’m in earnest.
  13. Conscientious a.憑良心的,誠實的,認真的,勤懇的,謹慎的,費盡苦心的 e.g. She is conscientious about her work. (Derivative.) Conscientiously, Conscientiousness
  14. 停止 stop or cease (doing something); suspend(終止) (some privilege or rights); give over; leave off; lay off e.g. The sales manager never stops aggrandizing his ability. e.g. The experiments have ceased.
  15. Cease v.停止,結束,終止 n.停息 e.g. The general ordered his troops to cease fire. (Phrase) Without cease 不停地 e.g. We should work on without cease in order to finish the job on time. (Derivative) Ceaseless 不停的,不間斷的 Ceaselessly Ceaselessness e.g. There was a ceaseless noise of machinery.
  16. deriv. abbr. (=derivation, derivative, derived)
  17. Derive v.取得,衍生出;起源,由於, 衍生(+from) e.g. She derives great pleasure from her stamp collection. e.g. Many English words are derived from Latin. (Deriv.) Derivation n.誘導,來歷,起源調查,語言衍生 Derivative a.引出的,派生的,衍生的 n.衍生物
  18. 重要的,嚴肅的 weighty, important, momentous, grave, solemn, thoughtful, earnest
  19. 認真的,熱衷的 thoughtful, grave, solemn, sincere, earnest, zealous
  20. Seriousness n.嚴肅性,認真,嚴重性 e.g. Jack’s countenance assumed an air of seriousness. e.g. The reader who does not detect the seriousness under the lightness (輕鬆) often misreads (誤解) him. (Deriv.) Seriously, Serious-minded (熱心的)
  21. Pensive a.沈思的,憂鬱的,悲傷的,哀愁的 e.g. Be in a pensive mood. (Deriv.) pensiveness, pensively
  22. Solemn a.嚴重的,莊重的,莊嚴的,隆重的,鄭重的,正式的,神聖的,宗教上的 e.g. The President took the solemn oath of office.
  23. Oath n.誓言,誓約,宣示,詛咒,詛咒語 e.g. He took an oath to give up gambling. e.g. He was answered with a torrent of oaths. (滔滔不絕的詛咒)
  24. Torrent n.奔流,洪流,傾注,話語的連發,感情的爆發,狂潮 e.g. A torrent of water swept down the valley. e.g. The rain fell in torrents. (Deriv.) torrential a.奔流的,猛烈的,洶湧的 torrentially
  25. 負責 Conscientious, having keen sense of responsibility, be in charge of, be responsible for, take charge (of), manage, preside over e.g. An experienced mechanic is in charge of the job. e.g. He is responsible for the assignment of jobs. e.g. She is conscientious about her work.
  26. 諺語 an adage; a proverb; a proverbial saying, a byword, a saw e.g. “Haste makes waste” is a proverb. 「欲速則不達」是一句諺語。(More haste, less speed.)
  27. haste n.急忙,迅速,慌忙,性急 v. 趕緊,匆忙,催促 e.g. In my haste I forgot to lock the door.
  28. Swiftness n.迅速,敏捷 e.g. The country was occupied with dramatic swiftness.
  29. 樣子 an appearance, a shape, a form, a manner, an air, a look, a mien, a posture, a sample, a pattern, a model e.g. Her artificial manner made me sick. e.g. a lady with a sorrowful mien.
  30. Sloven n.懶散的人,散漫的人 (deriv.) Slovenly adv, a.邋遢的,不修邊幅的,馬虎的,懶色的,凌亂的 e.g. His appearance is even more slovenly (邋遢) than usual. Slovenliness n.邋遢,馬虎,懶散 (= slovenry) e.g. Slovenliness is no part of religion. (antonym) dandy n.時髦男子,一流東西或人,小帆船 a. 花花公子的,服飾浮華的,極好的 (a dandy idea),上等的 (= dandyish)
  31. 懦弱 weak, spineless (沒有骨氣的,懦弱的,無脊椎的,無針的) (deriv.) spinelessly, spinelessness
  32. impish (小鬼般的,頑皮的,惡作劇的)
  33. Antonym n.相反詞
  34. Anonym n.匿名,匿名人
  35. 堅持 to insist on, to persist in, to hold fast (to), to keep up, to stand out
  36. Stand on 依靠
  37. 意志 will, purpose, volition e.g. His is a man of cast-iron will. e.g. His purpose remains as firm as a rock.
  38. Volition n.意志,決斷力,選擇,決定 (deriv.) volitional (有意志的,自願做的), volitionally
  39. 總數 a total, an amount, a totality, the total figures, the aggregate number
  40. Aggregate v.聚集,總計

Cost time: 1hr 30 mins Vocabularies Amount: 247 total
Finishing without distraction.
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