1.無論在什麼時候,你學會了第二語言,這多種語言學習,一直刺激腦神經轉換,使你的大腦會有顯著的優勢。研究發現當學習第二語言,你的腦袋在【左側下頂葉間的灰質】密度神經元和突觸增加活動。(Other studies have shown that grey matter is denser in the left inferior parietal regions of the cerebral cortex in people who speak two languages.)
研究也發現當你老化時,會多語言的人,其大腦白質也會維持很好,聽說這個就是為什麼以下的疾病可以延後發生。(In addition, bilingualism is associated with better maintenance of white matter during aging.)
2.雙語的大腦可以延緩一些老年人疾病,例如如阿滋海默症和老年失智症的發生。(Along with better attention and memory, speaking two languages also seems to offer benefits when developing dementia.)
3.研究人員收集608位中風患者發現,那些會多語言患者,中風的恢復機率是40.5%,而只會一種語言患者,中風的恢復機率卻只有是19.6% (Bilingualism also seems to be beneficial when a person suffers a stroke.)
你會多語言,不一定讓你更聰明(像我這樣?)😂😂😂😂,BUT會多語言,會使你的大腦更健康,要學習第二語言,永遠不會嫌太晚,有如重訓練習,永遠不會起步太晚,肯定這樣的練習會使你更有活力,更有效率,相信我,你一直反覆說著不同的語言,你的腦神經活躍接受著有如音樂、社交、運動等等不同活動的持續練習呢 ! (These are activities we can engage in to keep our brains and minds healthy (music, social groups, exercise, etc.))