"As I write, night is falling and people are going to dinner. It's been a gray day, such as one often sees in Paris. Walking around the block to air my thoughts, I couldn't hep but think of the tremendous contrast between the two cities (New York and Paris). It is the same hour, same sort of day, and yet even the word gray, which brought about the association, has little in common with that gris which, to the ears of a Frenchman, is capable of evoking a world of thought and feeling." -- Quiet Days in Clichy by Henry Miller
他比較了一個色彩——「灰色」。在巴黎的「灰」與紐約的「灰」之間,他將巴黎的色彩晉升到了一個令我當即便想穿越時空到半世紀前的巴黎體驗一下的衝動,想看看怎樣的「灰」才是一個「人盡皆知」的灰色,怎樣的灰色又能有水彩顏色的整個「灰色王國」?在這裡,同時也想到「五十度灰」,剛好,Henry Miller這本Quiet Days in Clichy也是一本「有顏色的小說」😄,在出版當時屢屢遭禁【Warning:本書僅適合18+成人閱讀】。
Henry Miller這位多產作家筆下的巴黎一定能夠摘得「慾望之都」的桂冠,可就是這樣的經歷、如此露骨的描寫,竟全然籠罩在「灰色」之下;而本自帶憂鬱的「灰色」卻在這本書中飽含了各種女性對於「性」與「自由」的執著追求。她們在Miller的筆下都有各自鮮明的個性,多思也好,縱慾也罷,她們則是在用身體詮釋著大部分人一生都參不透的「人生哲學」。現代的社會變得越來越複雜,需要解構的信息越來越多,更多人追求在「冥想」中求得一絲安寧。Miller筆下,更多的是doer,她們活過了,有時候簡單到讓人懷疑是不是經過了最複雜的那一關。