The sheet must illustrate the following:
a. design idea;
b. graphic plans (floor plans, sections, views, diagrams), in scale and sufficient to describe the project;
c. 3D views (renderings, sketches, or photographs of models);
d. Building process.
也就說,可以不畫配置,如果覺得不需要(因為沒說要有)。可以不畫立面,如果覺得不需要(因為也沒說要有)。可以不按50、100、200這幫助閱圖的要求,但要附上「比例尺」。但是,一定要有建築過程的「圖說」,因為直接用「must」了。設計說明,即diagram,也要有,請從上述8幅設計說明中挑選足以說明競圖須知中「favour the use of natural materials which are available in the surrounding area and the use of recycled and scrap materials(即使用當地可取得之自然建材或回收材料); promote sustainable and environmentally friendly construction technologies(採用可永續與環境友善之營建技術); be easily self-constructed(可由當地人自行興建之營造工法); adopt solutions which favour the reuse of natural resources(提供可循環使用自然資源的建築機能提案)」這4點要求的圖說。
The report must briefly describe the following:
a. Design idea (maximum 4,000 characters)
b. Use of materials (maximum 1,000 characters)
c. Mounting/construction process (maximum 1,000 characters)
d. Estimate of the cost of materials (maximum 500 characters).
請列印出來。因為競圖要求中說了「briefly describe 」,因此,建議各位的報告書內容依以下順序報告:a. Introduction(跟設計有關無關的全都寫在這裡), b. Design Idea (至少包含題目裡要求的:搭配大尺度的基地分析搭配選址的原因、小尺度的基地分析搭配敷地配置的決定,以及平面的安排,與Introduction合計不超過4,000字), c. Use of Materials, d. Construction Process, and e. Estimate這5項內容。