更新於 2021/04/24閱讀時間約 2 分鐘


這週的單字比較難一些,都是在說一些東西很普通、老梗、冷飯熱炒、平淡無奇。前陣子美國同學分享饒舌歌(我完全大外行的領域),也提到誰誰誰的歌曲很白(白人聽眾居多?)很香草 “vanila“,發現原來可以用這個字描述一個東西標準化沒創意,跟今天的選字也是有些關係,順帶紀錄。
INSIPID, VAPID, FLAT, JEJUNE, BANAL, INANE mean devoid of qualities that make for spirit and character.
INSIPID implies a lack of sufficient taste or savor to please or interest. an insipid romance with platitudes on every page
VAPID suggests a lack of liveliness, force, or spirit. an exciting story given a vapid treatment
FLAT applies to things that have lost their sparkle or zest. although well-regarded in its day, the novel now seems flat
JEJUNE suggests a lack of rewarding or satisfying substance. a jejune and gassy speech
BANAL stresses the complete absence of freshness, novelty, or immediacy. a banal tale of unrequited love
INANE implies a lack of any significant or convincing quality. an inane interpretation of the play
#dailymrps #mrps20210425 #每日猜招 #vocabulary #synonym #weeklysynonym #同義詞 #vapid #insipid #flat #inane #banal #jejune #英文學習 #認知語言學
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