2022-03-18|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 9 分鐘


我將開始我們的 Body graph(人體圖)的旅程,從 Head(頭部中心)開始。我們正在看一個頭部中心開放的人,他們可能有一個(匣門)激活,我們對頭部中心開放的瞭解是,它是關於思考那些不重要的事情。但要把握的是,你真的在思考那些不重要的事情。
I will start our journey to the body graph and begin up here with the head center. We’re looking at somebody who has an open head center and they may have an activation, what we know about the open head center is it’s about thinking about things that don't matter.
But the whole thing to grasp about that is that you really are thinking about those things that don’t matter. That is you have a thematic there. the thematic is logical, abstract, individual. Whether you’re confused trying to make sense out of things that don't matter, or you trying to be inspired by things that don't matter. You trying to find an answer in things that don't matter, you get stuck because of your thematic.
But the moment you take away the activations and just have this open environment, the dilemma becomes not knowing what is interesting, and remember that, for most beings open is conditioning, so you know what happens to the not-self person who has no activations in the head center is that they just don't know what to think about. So they end up thinking about all kinds of things, not simply about things that don't matter. They can think about anything.
At the same time. Not really knowing the exact, we’re dealing with a pressure center, inspiration not to recognize in that sense when one is more inspiring than the other. They literally don't know what is interesting. And of course that in and of itself can lead to a disconnect from intellectuality, a disconnect from finding that conversation with the other person that has some kind of substance to it, that is really interesting. These beings do not know, it is not there for them and they don't have a prejudice that don't have a way of leading into it. There’s just the old back stuff that is there.
Remember what happens with the open center in the way it effects in the way in which the decision-making processes is operating. The person that is thinking about things that don't matter. It's the very thing they’re thinking about that influences their decision making. But not knowing what matters, not knowing all those things that don't matter, not being able to find one’s interest. It leads to problems in how to make a decision entirely.
So you can end up in situations where it's extremely difficult for these not-self beings, to make decisions on their own, because they don't really know in that sense where they should be focused on and what they should be looking at. It just seems like everything is so overwhelming. So many beings who have an entirely open head center are simply overwhelmed by the information age, overwhelmed by the talking head world. They simply want to get rid of it. They don't want to deal with it all because it doesn't seem to lead them somewhere.
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