2022-08-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 4 分鐘

[留學申請-SOP篇]6. 替換幾個字,就能讓句子變得高級

在撰寫留學申請文的時候,你是不是經常覺得怎麼寫來寫去都那幾個字,但又苦於想不到其他相對正式又可適當表達意思的詞彙?或是查到了同義字,卻又不知道直接套用到底正不正確、該不該做一些對應的調整?以下簡單就 SOP 寫作中常見的幾個字詞舉例,教你如何靈活表達,讓敘述更有變化、行文更流暢。
Improve(增進;改善):facilitate / advance / enhance
The strategies I proposed had facilitated the working process for this project.
*Facilitate 這個字有「提高效率」的意思,所以下次當你想表達 increase the efficiency of...,不妨換個方式寫吧!
Strengthen(加強,鞏固):advance / solidify / enhance / refine
I choose to apply for your program, aiming to refine my skills of...
Your courses can help solidify my foundation of...
【Widen(擴大;拓展): broaden / expand / extend】
The internship experience had greatly broadened my perspective of...
【Encourage(鼓舞;激勵):inspire / motivate / enlighten / illuminate】
What inspires me to seek further study is...
The seminar had enlightened me on the issue of...
【Hope to:aim at / aspire to / eager to】
With these experience and expertise, I aspire to become a competent engineer.
*適度替換 Hope 一字,加強語氣,會更能凸顯企圖心。
【Try to:intend to / attempt to】
I intend to advance my knowledge of...
【famous:esteemed / reputed / renowned / well-knowned】
I consider your school as the best choice for my postgraduate study because of its esteemed reputation.

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  • 若有任何關於文章的問題或想了解的地方,歡迎留言
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