(1) Show, don' t tell:用描述的方式呈現畫面感,讓觀眾身歷其境。 與其說:By my third year, I finally made it to the national stage. I was extremely nervous to stand on the stage and face the judges, audience, and the other competitors.
不如說:By my third year, I finally made it to the national stage. That was my first time understanding how fast my heart could pound. I could barely eat breakfast, because when I ate something, I just wanted to throw up.
(2) No spoilers:讓真正的結局留到後面再揭曉。 與其說:My speech was a mess. I screwed it up. My brain just went blank. My legs and arms were all trembling. I couldn’t control my body, feeling overwhelmed by the stress and couldn’t utter a complete sentence. 不如說:I took a deep breath. I looked at the judges and the audience, feeling overwhelmed by the pressure. When I wanted to say the first word, my throat was locked by the extreme nervousness.
(3) Use Dialogue:用對話讓內容變有趣。 與其說:One day, my instructor called me to her office, asking whether I was willing to give a speech in the school assembly. So, I was forced by my teacher to give a speech in front of a thousand people.
“Do you want to give a speech in front of the whole school?”
“Um……Can I say no?”
So, I was forced by the teacher to deliver a speech in front of a thousand people.
2. 清楚的資訊
除了演講稿中要有要傳遞的價值外,要注意內文中不要加入不相關的資訊(像是不必然的因果關係)。最後,在演講結束時,可用 Call to action 收尾,告訴聽眾聽完我的演講之後,有甚麼可以進一步做的事情。