2011-02-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘


    1.他點頭表示贊同。He indicated approval with a nod.  

    2.我深信寫日記的價值。I am convinced of the value of keeping a diary.  

    3.就交通安全而言,台北大部分駕駛員應該再受教育。As far as traffic safety is concerned, most drivers in Taipei should be reeducated.  

    4.假如當時受到鼓勵和幫助,他就不會失敗了。Given encouragement and help, he would not have failed.  

    5.強大的國防是和平與自由最確切的保證。A strong national defense is the most certain guarantee of peace and freedom.  

    6.運動對健康有益。Exercise is good for one's health. 

    7.我的腳踏車,上禮拜被偷了。My bicycle was stolen last Sunday.  

    8.大多數的學生,都不曉得如何使用圖書館。Most students do not know how to use a library.  

    9.我在今天的報紙上,看到一則很有趣的新聞。I read an interesting piece of news in today's newspaper. 

    10.要學好英文,必須下功夫。If you want to learn English well, you have to work hard.  

      11.很多學生都不太注意讀書的方法,以至於浪費許多寶貴的時間。Many students pay so little attention to reading skills that they waste a lot of precious time.  12.他們讀英文讀了好幾年,還是看不懂相當容易的文章。They have studied English for many  years, but they still cannot understand articles which are rather easy.   13.其實,只要方法正確,英文的閱讀能力並不難培養。In fact, as long as the method is correct, English reading ability is not difficult to develop.   14.在老師還沒有講解課文之前,一定要自己先讀兩三遍。Before your teacher explains the text to you, you must go over it two or three times.   15.不要讀太難的文章,也不要遇到生字就立刻查字典。Don't read articles which are too difficult for you and don't look up a new word in a dictionary the moment you see it, either.  

    縱橫正有淩雲筆,化為雄風紙上揚。~螃蟹老大~ Love is not to find someone to live with, but to find someone we cannot live without.
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