2023-09-07|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘


    1. Up the Creek Without a Paddle(沒有槳上溪流)
      • 解釋: 意指處於困境或困難情況,沒有可行的解決方案。
      • 例句: "After losing my job and car, I feel like I'm up the creek without a paddle."
    1. Go with the Flow(順應潮流)
      • 解釋: 表示接受當前情況,不去反抗或改變它。
      • 例句: "Instead of stressing out, I've decided to go with the flow and see where life takes me."
    1. Test the Waters(試探水深)
      • 解釋: 意指在採取行動之前先試試看,確保安全或成功。
      • 例句: "Before investing all my savings, I want to test the waters with a small investment."
    1. Ride the Rapids(乘坐急流)
      • 解釋: 表示處於激烈或危險的情況,需要應對挑戰。
      • 例句: "Starting a new business is like riding the rapids; it's full of ups and downs."
    1. In Deep Water(陷入困境)
      • 解釋: 意指處於困難、危險或令人不安的情況。
      • 例句: "After the financial crisis, many families found themselves in deep water."
    1. Fish Out of Water(水中之魚)
      • 解釋: 形容某人感到不適應或不舒服的環境。
      • 例句: "As a city dweller, he felt like a fish out of water in the rural countryside."
    1. Muddy the Waters(攪濁水源)
      • 解釋: 意指使情況變得更加混亂或不清晰。
      • 例句: "The false information only served to muddy the waters of the investigation."
    1. Cross That Bridge When You Come to It(走到橋邊再說)
      • 解釋: 建議不要提前擔憂可能發生的問題,而是等到問題真正出現時再處理它。
      • 例句: "Don't worry about the presentation next week; cross that bridge when you come to it."
    1. Water Under the Bridge(過去的水流)
      • 解釋: 表示過去的事情不再重要或不值得擔心。
      • 例句: "Our old disagreements are water under the bridge; we're friends now."


    10.  Go Upstream(逆流而上)

      • 解釋: 意指採取與主流相反的行動或思維方式。
      • 例句: "To find a solution, sometimes you need to go upstream and challenge conventional wisdom."

    11.  Still Waters Run Shallow(靜水流淺)

      • 解釋: 與 "Still Waters Run Deep" 相反,指的是外表平靜的人可能內心較淺薄。
      • 例句: "He seems calm, but still waters run shallow; he doesn't have much depth."

    12.  Swim with the Current(順流而下)

      • 解釋: 意指跟隨主流或跟隨大多數人的行動。
      • 例句: "In business, it's often wise to swim with the current of market trends."


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